Rooster attacking broody hen


Aug 15, 2022
Hey there I have a silkie rooster that is of unknown age. He has been fine until recently my silver wyndotte went broody and he's been going after her. Nothing too violent but chases her anytime he sees her acting broody She is the lowest ranked hen of the flock too. They can still be together without him acting out but when she starts clucking all broody like he goes after her. He is only with 3 hens if that makes a differnce, lost a lot of my flock over winter. I any advice?
Broody hens appear like strangers to their flock because of their changed behavior. If it is concerning, you could remove him from the flock until she hatches chicks or breaks broodiness.
Okay thanks I was hoping it's was just because she is acting crazy lol. I'm trying to break her broodiness since it is so hot out... hopefully he helps my cause then haha.

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