Rooster attacks!


Blessed be the Name of God
Sep 12, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
My bielefelder rooster was the most perfect rooster ever! He never hurt the hens, never tried to attack me, ever! But to day my mom went outside to feed the cows some grain and he attacked her! But has never attacked me! why is he doing this? can I stop him or do I need to get rid of him?
My bielefelder rooster was the most perfect rooster ever! He never hurt the hens, never tried to attack me, ever! But to day my mom went outside to feed the cows some grain and he attacked her! But has never attacked me! why is he doing this? can I stop him or do I need to get rid of him?
Is she being injured? (even if its minor)?
There’s still a lot of debate on the social structure of flocks of chicken and people. But he obviously sees you as part of their flock or at least safe. He probably sees your mom as a threat to the flock or competition for his hens. Tell her to bring some treats with her. Seeds, mealworms or whatever. But when he approaches, ignore the hens and other chickens completely and drop the treats right in front of him.

Doing that tells him in such a way that she respects him as the alpha rooster and it’s his job to give his hens food. I started doing that with a rooster that would even attack me sometimes and the behavior stopped. But you want to make sure he knows she’s not a threat and she doesn’t want to mate with his hens.
Like other male farm animals roosters have a tendency to become aggressive. She can catch and tame him or make soup out of him.Theres plenty of videos on how to do both.The catch and tame method worked for my rooster but I wasn't afraid of mine. They feed off of fear. Good luck!
Thank you for this video - I needed it.
You're welcome! Some are harder to make submit! Mine was stubborn lol
This morning, he attacked my 17-year old grandson. He has never done that before. Very big gash on his hand/wrist. He was doing his usual picking up water to fill it. Now, I am the only one left he doesn't attack.

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