Rooster attacks!

This morning, he attacked my 17-year old grandson. He has never done that before. Very big gash on his hand/wrist. He was doing his usual picking up water to fill it. Now, I am the only one left he doesn't attack.
Until you've made at least some attempt to correct his behaviour it would be better for just you to deal with him and the chickens.
He will most likely be attacking you soon. They work their way up. I would not keep him. A gash is a pretty violent attack.

BE VERY aware who else is going out with the chickens. If they are free ranging he could attack anyone, even a visitor. I know a lot of people seem to want to keep a violent rooster, I just have no idea why. I would not keep a violent dog either.

Mrs K
Everyone who comes in contact with this rooster has to participate in taming sessions & force him to submit. He'll still be a liability around strangers .Most people cull them because you can't turn your back on them.I'm sorry he's become a problem.
any amimal that attacks must be brought into submission and lose the fight. Best way is to pin it against the ground until it give up the fight. That is at lest 60 seconds of limp. Now how you get it to the ground is another thing but drop it in its tracks. You can not do a roosters job or he will come at you.
always go find the rooster first thing and then go about what you want. as long as he can come with you your not a threat and "He" can say look, i found this human. Being a Pimp ain't easy but don't be showing a pimp disrespect in front of his ladys or its on.
My bielefelder rooster was the most perfect rooster ever! He never hurt the hens, never tried to attack me, ever! But to day my mom went outside to feed the cows some grain and he attacked her! But has never attacked me! why is he doing this? can I stop him or do I need to get rid of him?
The rooster has attacked once. Wait until he spurs again, then decide his future . If he attacks anybody else, then its dinner time!

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