rooster behavior


11 Years
Jan 29, 2008
I have 3 roosters (the 3 Amigos) who were ostricised from the coop....they are living in the barn with the cattle and sheep... I told my husband he needs to put them in a pot....he keeps putting it off....
Tonight we observed one of them 'mating' with the other... Is this normal behavior?
My husband says this is the new world order and we can't kill them now since that would be politically incorrect.
Are you sure they are all roos? Sounds fishy to me.

I suspect your husband is chicken,,,
he is afraid to do the deed, why don't you do it
Ya they are roosters! I have 7 from the same batch and there r 4 hens now laying and these 3 amigos................
I have never in the history of all that is chicken heard of a rooster covering another rooster.
Either your one rooster is really confused and you need to sit him down and have the birds (ha ha) and bees talk or have your chicken (The one getting the humpin) sexed by a vet.
Good Luck
I have had roosters cover other roosters, it happens when you have too many roosters and not enough ladies to go around. My roosters have also tried mounting my cats. The cats aren't too thrilled about it when it happens.
They are Roosters...they all have large combs...long plumes....they crow...they are twice the size of their sisters and they are not allowed near the coop unless they want a beating from the coop rooster!

I don't need a vet to determin their sex hehe:D

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