Rooster Bumblefoot emergency


May 31, 2020
Hi all I have a 9 year old rooster Coco he’s had bumble foot in the past before but now is having the worst case of it he can’t use that leg completely he lays on the ground as if he’s unable to walk he falls all over the floor

Down below I have inserted pictures of coco , his foot and poo. I have seen tutorials of removal of bumble foot and I did cut some of it as you can see but couldn’t find the hard bit so I didn’t want to continue as I’m not sure .
I really hope you can help me he’s survived many things I hope this too!!!


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His foot looks like it may be infected.
The poop is not normal either.

Was he walking and active before you took the scab off?

You can try giving an oral antibiotic to see if that helps with infection and improves the poop. Baytril or Amoxicillin would be good choices.

For the foot, I would clean well with Hibiclens (Chlorhexidine), especially the top of the foot. Let dry, then apply a very thin layer of triple antibiotic ointment. Put a small gauze pad on the top of the foot and where you cut into the foot. Wrap with vet wrap. Not too tight.
Access the foot daily. You may need to repeat soaking, application of Hibiclens, etc.

Keep him on clean dry bedding. Keep his bottom cleaned if he's not able to walk. Keep flies off him too, they take advantage of birds that are not well.

With his age, he may be in a state of decline and he has more going on with him.
I agree with Wyorp Rock. There is an app called Televet and it is possible you can find an avian or exotics vet in your area and do a session through the app and they can prescribe antibiotics without you having to take your rooster in to them. I would search for exotics or avian.
Hi thank you all so much for reply , he wasn’t walking and active for a few days just on the ground falling all the way to the coop till the front of the garden which is why I decided to treat his Bumblefoot but couldn’t continue as I didn’t know if it’s the right thing to do. I have been soaking his foot in salt water but I did research leg mites and I believe he does have it! It’s difficult to get hold of any chicken vets in the area I live hence why I am on here . I will be getting those products you listed above and hopefully will make a difference to him.
An oil such as vaseline, veg oil, castor or mineral, or Nustock cream can be used to rub into the scales to smother leg mites. I would use plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment on the wounded area.
Hi thank you all so much for reply , he wasn’t walking and active for a few days just on the ground falling all the way to the coop till the front of the garden which is why I decided to treat his Bumblefoot but couldn’t continue as I didn’t know if it’s the right thing to do. I have been soaking his foot in salt water but I did research leg mites and I believe he does have it! It’s difficult to get hold of any chicken vets in the area I live hence why I am on here . I will be getting those products you listed above and hopefully will make a difference to him.
Can I use a wound spray on the top and the bepaththen? And give him some Antibiotics would that work?
Where are you located in the world?

He does have a crusty buildup on the back of his leg. Could be from SLM or possibly debris from not being active. I would apply some vaseline/oil (as mentioned in post#7) to those areas after soakings to see if those will soften up, they may fall away eventually.

For the foot, I would clean well with Hibiclens (Chlorhexidine), especially the top of the foot. Let dry, then apply a very thin layer of triple antibiotic ointment. Put a small gauze pad on the top of the foot and where you cut into the foot. Wrap with vet wrap. Not too tight.
Access the foot daily. You may need to repeat soaking, application of Hibiclens, etc.

Keep him on clean dry bedding. Keep his bottom cleaned if he's not able to walk. Keep flies off him too, they take advantage of birds that are not well.
Hi, after reading the comments I have been giving coco Harkers coxoid in his water and rooster booster in wet tuna cat food and Some bird seed mixed . On the wound I have been soaking his foot in warm salt water and am applying hibiscrub skin wash with lanacane anti chafing gel and wrapping it up after. It seems as if it has made no difference to him and he’s still the same unable to walk. I’m living in the uk and don’t know what to do further from here , I really do hope he’s only getting better.
Harkers Coxoid is to treat Coccidiosis. If you are using that, then don't use "rooster booster" if it's vitamins that contain B1(Thiamine). There's a contradiction there.

Your rooster is 9 years old. The build up on the underneath of his legs does not appear overnight, so I'm going to make an assumption that he's been under the weather for quite some time.
His age is against him for sure.
I would feed him his normal nutritionally balanced poultry feed. A bit of cat food OR bird seed once a day can make a fine treat.

Sometimes when a bird is that old, they begin a slow decline and all you can do it monitor them daily. Once quality of life is lacking and/or they have afflictions that they may not be able to overcome, then it may be time to consider he's had enough.

I'm not trying to be harsh. It's a reality that we all must face at some point when keeping chickens.

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