rooster challenging my broody


7 Years
Jul 17, 2014
London England
I have broody orp whose eggs are due to hatch in a day or two. I have noticed after the last week after i get her up to eat and drink that my roo squares up to her and almost challenges her. They have been living in the same coop together (and other hens) for over a year now. Does anyone know if this is normal or why this happens?
It is normal. The broody is trying to make sure the rooster knows she is the boss over her nest and he is trying to let her know he is the boss over the coop. Personally, I isolate my broody from the flock to her broody pen until the chicks are old enough to free range with the hen. That takes care of any undue stress for my hen.
Thank you! That's helpful, I think might seperate her and the chicks as I'm afraid of dust-ups between some of them! Thanks again for you help :)
It is normal.  The broody is trying to make sure the rooster knows she is the boss over her nest and he is trying to let her know he is the boss over the coop.  Personally,   I isolate my broody from the flock to her broody pen until the chicks are old enough to free range with the hen.  That takes care of any undue stress for my hen. 

SOund advice above. Confined flocks I keep broody hens separate. Free-range they are allowed to commingle as they deem fit.

OP, observation you indicate typical of hen and rooster not of same harem.

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