Rooster Chat

How do you get a rooster to stop constantly mounting the hens? He's a really friendly SW but he keeps mounting the girls and tearing the feathers up on their backs. What should I do?
How do you get a rooster to stop constantly mounting the hens? He's a really friendly SW but he keeps mounting the girls and tearing the feathers up on their backs. What should I do?:barnie
You can't stop him, it's what roosters do. How many hens does he have and how old. About all you can do is separate him out for a whilem
How do you get a rooster to stop constantly mounting the hens? He's a really friendly SW but he keeps mounting the girls and tearing the feathers up on their backs. What should I do?
Well you get a hatchet then you get the rooster to lay his head on a stump.........

Seriously though, he's a rooster and a rooster has to do what a rooster as to do. I agree with oldhenlikesdogs. About all you can do is separate him from the hens, get more hens or you can if you are handy with a sewing machine, make little chicken aprons for your girls to wear. I have several wearing them now.

My alpha rooster was recently deposed by a big Welsummer roo. The girls loved the BO roo. I get the feeling that they do not feel the same about Chester. I saw him mount a hen tonight and she frankly and bluntly would not give him access. He finally gave up and looked at me as if saying "well, that was embarrassing".
I tried to let them hatch with no luck. Egg bombs were made instead and half of that flock went broody along with them.They all then fought over the nests and broke half the eggs. I could put them on the starter coop outside though. Will think on it some.Just tired of the 2 of them being so grumpy.
They do turn into little pterodactyl.

They would not set on eggs in the other coop. They just raised cain and I think cursed.
So, I have found myself with 3 cockerels in the hatch of 5 this year & I already have 2 roosters in my flock now. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on building a bachelor coop - how far away do they need to be from the hens so they aren't constantly fighting each other, do the hens have to be completely out of sight/sound from them, do bachelor coops even work? I'm hoping someone has had success with this & they can give me some tips. Thank you for any suggestions in advanced. :)
I have a small rooster pen right now completely out of sight of the hens and the main coop and these guys crow their brains out all day so I don't know if that (out of sight out of mind) really is a solution for the bachelor coop.
I'm planning to have a rooster pen near the main coop mainly because I want to consolidate their location for ease of care. I have 5 roosters out of a hatch of 8
plus 4 adult roosters. I only am allowing two roosters in with the girls at anytime. The 5 young cockerels will stay with the main flock until they start breeding and then I will allow the one with the best personality to stay with a senior rooster and the girls. I am planning to rotate the roosters in the future.

I came to the conclusion with our extra boys that they cannot help being born roosters and acting the part. If they are aggressive they will be banned to the bachelor pen for good. I'm hoping to set things up so our safety is assured with them.
So, I have found myself with 3 cockerels in the hatch of 5 this year & I already have 2 roosters in my flock now. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on building a bachelor coop - how far away do they need to be from the hens so they aren't constantly fighting each other, do the hens have to be completely out of sight/sound from them, do bachelor coops even work? I'm hoping someone has had success with this & they can give me some tips. Thank you for any suggestions in advanced.

We've kept 15 to 20 young cockerels together but almost always had to keep a seasoned older cock with then to keep order. This works very well.
So, I have found myself with 3 cockerels in the hatch of 5 this year & I already have 2 roosters in my flock now. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on building a bachelor coop - how far away do they need to be from the hens so they aren't constantly fighting each other, do the hens have to be completely out of sight/sound from them, do bachelor coops even work? I'm hoping someone has had success with this & they can give me some tips. Thank you for any suggestions in advanced. :)
My bachelor pen is where they can see everyone and everyone can interact through the fence. The roosters inside it either get along with occasional scrimmages or if they don't the aggressive one gets removed permanently. I haven't had too many aggressive ones, but mine are mostly bantam.
Here two mottled Cochin bantams are spending the summer in a breezy coop in the great outdoors.

Here's my inside separation pen.

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