Rooster Chat

That makes sense. I don't handle any of the chickens like I would my dogs - I mostly just leave them alone to do their thing & handle them for check ups & the odd photo shoot. I'd never had birds before recently, so I was handling them a lot at first thinking that it would make it easier when I had to handle them. Live & learn! I do enjoy that my young Phoenix rooster likes to hop onto my lap to sit with me. I get a good chuckle out of that. :)
I have 14 hens and wanted to have 2 roosters roaming free range with these girls. And the roosters were doing fine until 9 months old when an all out "to kill" fight broke out for 2 days between them. I had to separate them, bloody combs and faces on both. Now I am wondering if 1 rooster can fertilize 14 hens for hatching chicks in the future?
I have 14 hens and wanted to have 2 roosters roaming free range with these girls. And the roosters were doing fine until 9 months old when an all out "to kill" fight broke out for 2 days between them. I had to separate them, bloody combs and faces on both. Now I am wondering if 1 rooster can fertilize 14 hens for hatching chicks in the future?

Last spring I had one rooster (The number was down because of predition.) with over 20 hens (Think it was 24) and every egg I put in the incubator hatched. Just my opinion I think multiple roosters do best when they aren't the same age and the second is raised within the flock and respects the older rooster or they are raised within a flock and there is a rooster keeping the peace so there aren't all out fights. Usually I have at least two roosters, the main one plus a back up and when I hatch I often keep a bachelor pad until I decide who is going where and other than jockeying for position have very few problems.
But one rooster can easily service 14 hens.
I'd love to have a rooster, but for a backyard situation, I do not want one that is loud because the neighbors might complain. Is there a rooster that is less noisy? 

Our silkie rooster only crows when he thinks there is a threat or first thing in the morning. He isn't very loud though.

Is there any way to train a rooster NOT to attack my kids.  We have one that's very aggressive.  He's a beauty and I'd like to keep him but I can't have him chasing my kids around the yard anymore.

You need to have your kids handle him more from a younger age. That way he recognizes them as an alpha. We have 4 kids soon to be 5 ages 1 to 13. They all know how to handle the roosters. We took the time to really study rooster behavior. Holding them shows dominance. Soothing them with treats and sweet words shows them your not a threat to their flock. Holding them also shows that your not a part of their flock. I learned all this from an amazing rooster rescue. The tips have really worked for us. We have only had 1 aggressive rooster out of well over 100.we managed to tame him and he is still sweet to this day. It takes time and work. It takes commitment so if busy it's just best to keep them locked up. You can also remove their spurs. I suggest you do your research. You will find roosters more simple to figure out then we realize.

I watched a few videos on the subject of taming roosters. They say you need to pick them up and carry them around or gently hold them down for a bit each day to let them know that you are the alpha. 

I have 2 roosters that someone dumped out at my campsite and they will have to live out there. We go out twice a day to check on them. They like to attack men. I put them in the coop and put a run made from wood and hardware cloth where they can get out and get some sun. When no one is around, I'll let them run around. Maybe only let him out when the kids are in school. Put him away before they get home. Also, instruct the kids not to tease him, just in case they are tempted to. 

You are completely right.
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Hello, now I have a little Rooster problem.One of my hens seems to be the favorite of all of my Roos (one rooster two cockerels )
She doesn't have any feathers left on the back of her neck.
I put the cockerels in there own pen and now Rocky Rooster has all 26 ladies to himself.
I still see him with her. but it doesn't seem like she is getting worse now.
The two Cockerels have fought a couple times but seem to be fine now.
I just don't know what to do in the future.
They are in my young chicken pen.Its about 8x12 so they have plenty of room.
Problem is in about two months I will need that pen.
I have considered turning them lose in the horse barn /yard, build there own pad or Cook them.
The reason I want Roosters is I just like them around and I plan on raising my own baby instead of buying them.
Hello, now I have a little Rooster problem.One of my hens seems to be the favorite of all of my Roos (one rooster two cockerels )
She doesn't have any feathers left on the back of her neck.
I put the cockerels in there own pen and now Rocky Rooster has all 26 ladies to himself.
I still see him with her. but it doesn't seem like she is getting worse now.
The two Cockerels have fought a couple times but seem to be fine now. 
I just don't know what to do in the future.
They are in my young chicken pen.Its about 8x12 so they have plenty of room.
Problem is in about two months I will need that pen.
I have considered turning them lose in the horse barn /yard, build there own pad or Cook them.
The reason I want Roosters is I just like them around and I plan on raising my own baby instead of buying them.
I would keep the young roosters penned at least until late fall. I personally keep mine penned next to or right in the shed or run so they continue to be part of the flock which cuts down on problems later if you want to try to reintroduce them.

Unfortunately many rooster favor hens on the bottom of the pecking order and mate them continuously. It's seen more in young rooster, those younger than 2 years who are looking for easy mating.

Your older rooster has too many hens to protect them all from the younger roosters. You could pull one young one and see how the other gets on by himself. Often two young roosters work as a tag teen breeding hens repeatedly.

So if you wish to keep them you will need another pen, either temporary or permanent. Though sometimes it's easier to butcher either one or both to solve your problems.
Thanks for the advice.I will make a cockerel pen with a small run.
I have 20 RIr pullets and 6 mixed hens those Cockerels are RIR. My one Rooster is really a Cockerel also he was hatched last april.
I believe he is a RIr also but Im not positive.I got him at a feed store as a hen, One of the hens I got then is a RIR. heres a look at him.

I live on acreage and have other animals and all the space I need.
I bought 4 turkeys and 5 copper Moran girls and two cockerel chicks I will receive them next month.
I will most likely separate the Morans When I start breeding chicks just to keep the two types .
Got any chicken Tips ,About any chicken thing!

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