Rooster Coop

Well we can get as low as -30C and lower with wind chill. And some days as little as 8-9 hours of actual daylight. I’m basically right across the border from Northern Michigan where the 3 Great Lakes meet.

Well... that is cold. I think under -20 (not windchill, just the regular temp) if for prolonged periods (not a short dip at night but for multiple days in a row) requires heat.

Also, if you are that cold AND that dark, a light on a timer, so they have 10 hours of light to eat a high protein feed (18 or 20%) will help.

How do I know what is too much ventilation? I have a sensor in there that tells the temp and the humidity. Do you know what % humidity I should be trying to maintain? Maybe I can add ventilation until I get to that number consistently?

You want the inside humidity to be the same as the outside humidity.

I have an article that goes over cold weather coops

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