Rooster Dance - Photos

That is exactly what we look forward to when we get our chickens. That was a great story! I would read about those all day long! THanks for sharing that it was awesome!
Thats hilarious, animals are so funny! You know male scorpions have a very cute dance they do for there mate to attract them, I think the females stings and kills him afterward too! Poor guys, but I think these bugs might be on the right track, guys are only good for one thing right?
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Building more coops?

I am really looking forward to watching my splash cockeral grow out. I have lucked out and I do have a trio of splashes and from different bloodlines to! woot!
Poor Mosby. After all his efforts and Bonnie still runs him off! In the eighth picture he just looks so rejected.

That's great that you were able to get those pictures! It's not often that the camera is in hand when such an opportunity arrises! Great pictures Angie!

Beautiful chickens too!
Your chickens are beautiful!

They need to give my chickens communication skills. My poor hens are so submissive and the roosters brutal. They don't take no for an answer.
Neat photos, and neat descriptions! Nice they have so much grass, too! My grass is all gone from my run.

Mosby'll keep trying, I'm NEVER seem to give up the love dance! Chicken OR human, BA HAHAHA!

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