Rooster Flocks!

How is everyone's rooster flocks going? My boys are coming on 10 months now and still mostly pretty cool. They've each gone through trying to be dominant over me since my last post in October (charging me, puffing up feathers etc), but a light slap to the top of the head has had them back off.

They don't seem to trust me like they used to though. They used to come running for treats, but only do now if they've run out of food. Also, they used to talk to me -- I'd walk up and say to them "hey boys, nice shorts!", and they'd get all chatty -- "bukka-bukka-buuuuk", but they seem to not like the banter anymore. Only Prancer (the largest of the group) seems to still like me; he's always been the most chilled out.

Other than that, no fighting between them, and no more aggression shown towards me.

Has anyone ever let their rooster flocks have conjugal visits with the girls? If so, how did that go? Any aggression towards the girls or each other? Any issues afterwards?
My rooster flock is doing good. They all get along with each other well. Domino has become aggressive towards humans, and I'm trying to train him. It's been working pretty well so far.

That's too bad that your roosters are less friendly. :( I have a cockerel that used to be a lot friendlier when he was younger, but has become more skittish. He isn't aggressive at all, though.

Every time my rooster flock free ranges, they can interact with the hens in their coop. Domino often tries to fight with the rooster that's in with the hens, but they can't hurt each other because there's wire between them. I've seen no negative impacts other than that.

I think, if you actually let them physically interact with the hens, there might be some minor fighting between the top hens and the roosters. Then, depending on the number of hens and the maturity of the roosters, there could be a lot of rough mating going on. The roosters might even decide to fight a bit to establish who gets to be top roo over the hens. I think, if you put them back in their rooster-only pen afterwards, they probably would stop fighting. The hens might get a few minor injuries from rough mating, though.
My boys are Not getting along at all
They r 5 months old and all brothers and still fight.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated
Are they in a rooster-only flock? How many are there? Can they see the hens? Do you free range them? It sounds like your roosters are a bit overcrowded. Could you get a picture of their living quarters?
My rooster flock is doing good. They all get along with each other well. Domino has become aggressive towards humans, and I'm trying to train him. It's been working pretty well so far.

Domino sounds like quite the handful! The unpredictability of roosters is what makes them so appealing though!

That's too bad that your roosters are less friendly. :( I have a cockerel that used to be a lot friendlier when he was younger, but has become more skittish. He isn't aggressive at all, though.

Admittedly, they are getting better. I had to vacate my house during some renovations, so for about 2 months I was only there in the morning and evening to check food/water. This meant basically no human interaction for them. Since being back I've been trying to spend a little more time with them and I have also started cutting back their food supply (removing all food in the afternoon and not replacing it until well after their first crows in the morning). This has led to them associating me with food again, so they're becoming friendlier toward me. In fact, just yesterday they started "talking" to me again; small steps :)

I don't free-range them at all. Mostly due to inadequate (non-existent) fencing where I have them cooped. They do have full access to a pretty huge stable, and a bit of an outdoor area (pictured in earlier posts) where they tend to bake and dust-bathe. I think due to the segmented living quarters is the reason for them not fighting each other. Plenty of space to get away from one another when things get heated.

I'm working on the fencing situation, so hopefully they'll be able to spend some time eating grass and bugs and the like. Their coop is nowhere near where the hens free-range or roost, so there won't be any interaction unless I explicitly allow it.

Anyway, thanks for the link to the new thread. I'll participate there when I have something else to add / say. Maybe share some photos once they hit their 1 year birthdays and become fully-fledged roosters :)

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