Rooster Flocks!

The roos are all 5 months old, except for one Marans, George, who is 1 1/2 years old.
The 4 roos (3 Anconas and 1 Maran) grew up together. George is not a fighter, more like a peace keeper. He will mostly give chase to make sure the youngens know who is the boss.
This set up gives me a ratio of 10 hens/roo.
The roos are all 5 months old, except for one Marans, George, who is 1 1/2 years old.
The 4 roos (3 Anconas and 1 Maran) grew up together. George is not a fighter, more like a peace keeper. He will mostly give chase to make sure the youngens know who is the boss.
This set up gives me a ratio of 10 hens/roo.
That sounds like a good ratio, and since the cockerels grew up together they'll probably get along better.
I'm hoping that my 2 silkie roos will end up being okay with the 5 silkie pullets. There were a couple of days last week when I thought they had turned on each other, but they have settled down again. There is still some feather pulling going on towards each other and the hens, but not much. They are coming up on 5 months, so I think they are in puberty. LOL.

RoostersAreAwesome, is Lupin named after the Harry Potter character?
I decided to finally put my two cockerels with the rest of the roosters. At first, Lupin and Chipmunk (the cockerels) kept being pecked by the older roos. So, I put them in a cage in the rooster pen for the night and let them out in the morning. They were accepted into the rooster flock and no blood was drawn. If your older roosters start chasing the new roosters I recommend putting them in a cage in the rooster pen for a while, until the other roos get used to the new ones.
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Got a few surprise boys myself. Tried to rehome them without luck.
In your opinion, what is a good ratio rooster/hens? They are Anconas and Cuckoo Marans.
I have an eggs business and my main concern is to spare the hens from stress which would affect their laying.
4 out of 5 are roos now back with the main flock. The 5th one a young Cuckoo Maran is mending a hurt leg and is away from the flock.
So far we have lively mornings with mostly the roos chasing each othets, no fight that I can see, but the Maran didn't hust his leg slipping on a banana peel!
For one rooster, at least six hens, for any more than two, ten to twelve per rooster.
I decided to finally put my two cockerels with the rest of the roosters. At first, Lupin and Chipmunk kept being pecked by the older roos. So, I put them in a cage in the rooster pen for the night and let them out in the morning. They were accepted into the rooster flock and no blood was drawn. If your older roosters start chasing the new roosters I recommend putting them in a cage in the rooster pen for a while, until the other roos get used to the new ones.
Are Lupin and Chipmunk both males?
Are they best friend roosters? Is Lupin protective of Chipmunk?
Definitely! That's part of the reason I didn't put Chipmunk in with the roosters later (he's still kinda young) because he gets sad when Lupin isn't around. Lupin is pretty protective of Chipmunk, and they are always together in the rooster pen.

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