Rooster getting aggressive.


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2020
So my rooster was so sweet when we first got him now that the Hen's are laying eggs he has gotten so mean every time I go in the run he bites me and gets aggressive how can I stop that I'm afraid of him now and I know he census it can someone please help I don't wanna get rid of him.


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I'm sorry, but an aggressive rooster should not be kept. If I were you I'd hang on to him for another month or so, sometimes they'll have a peak in aggressiveness (hitting puberty) and then will calm down a little. But if he continues to be mean, I would 100% sell or eat him.
You can try to train him by walking toward him every time you go in the run. Make him move out of your space, every time. If he continues to be aggressive, I wouldn't keep him. An aggressive rooster can ruin your whole chicken experience. Once he is gone, you can freely enjoy your chickens again.
You can try to train him by walking toward him every time you go in the run. Make him move out of your space, every time. If he continues to be aggressive, I wouldn't keep him. An aggressive rooster can ruin your whole chicken experience. Once he is gone, you can freely enjoy your chickens again.
Do I have to have a rooster for my Hen's to lay eggs someone said they would stop laying?
There are still good reasons to keep a rooster besides fertile eggs. If you can train this human aggressive behavior out of him, he sounds like he's a good protective rooster for your girls.

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