Rooster has white spots and yellows growths on comb


Mar 13, 2020
Kitsap county, WA
I first noticed my Cream Legbar roo had a large yellow spot on his comb two days ago... now it has a little bit of pus coming out. He also has white spots on the other side of his comb, and another yellow growth on one of his comb points. His ear lobes have some similar scabbing on them. The larger black specks are peck wounds, not growths. What are the growths? How do I treat them? Any help is appreciated.



What's you weather like?

Are the tips of his wattles starting to blacken?

The one yellow crusty area on the side of the comb, I think I would apply some Blu Kote or Betadine to that.

The others on the comb are pus filled so I don't think I would handle those just yet. To me, they looks like they may be frostbite blisters, but they are in a odd area of the comb.

Earlobes, I would apply the Blu Kote or Betadine as well.
Wattles, I would just watch.

How much ventilation is in your coop?
What's you weather like?

Are the tips of his wattles starting to blacken?

The one yellow crusty area on the side of the comb, I think I would apply some Blu Kote or Betadine to that.

The others on the comb are pus filled so I don't think I would handle those just yet. To me, they looks like they may be frostbite blisters, but they are in a odd area of the comb.

Earlobes, I would apply the Blu Kote or Betadine as well.
Wattles, I would just watch.

How much ventilation is in your coop?
Thanks for responding!

It's been rainy for the past couple days. Temp has been in the 40s and dipping into the high 30s at night.

I did decide to wash his comb with Vetricyn and apply some Blu Kote earlier. Glad I was doing the right thing.

The coop has a lot of ventilation. It's and A-frame and an entire wall is exposed.

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