Rooster in the Hen House...Yay or Nay?

I sell my extra eggs all the time and have never had anyone mention anything about them being fertile.

On a lighter note, there are folks that think you have to have a rooster in order for your hens to lay eggs.
I laugh so hard when someone says that to me.
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Does he have two combs? He is a very nice looking rooster! I love that comb he has.
Once I gave my aunt a rooster and a week later she asked me when he would start laying eggs!
I'm not the OP, but that rooster has what's called a buttercup comb. Judging by the torquoise earlobes I'd say he has some silkie in him too, but I'm not expert.
He does have 2 combs. As a chick he was all black with a poof on his head. Now he growing silver feathers among the black. Not sure what breed he is. He came out of the dollar a chick potluck stock tank at the meyer hatchery retail store.
My buyers don't seem to care if there IS an occasional blood spot in them. I love the crow and wouldn't have chickens without a rooster. One thing I have learned though, I will never have more than ONE rooster again. They seem to get along fine, then all of a sudden the fight is on!
I would get a VERY small bantam breed of rooster... I have a tiny OEGB cross roo over my (mostly standard sized) flock and I have only had a few fertile eggs... The ones he managed to fertilize were my jap bantams and my silkie... I have seen THREE fertilized buff orpington and australorp eggs in 2 years. He is still a great protector of his flock despite his size and is very handsome!

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