Rooster Integration


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
My old roo is gone and I have two Bielefelder x Dominique cockerels in their own grow-out pen.

I wasn't planning to use the grow-out pen during the winter, as there's no real shelter from the cold wind.

I only have 5 girls, which really isn't enough for two boys, but I need to get the boys into a more reliable sheltered position.

The problem is that one of the girls is currently raising a chick. He'll be 4 weeks old this Saturday, and yes, I'm pretty sure he's a boy.

When I let the boys out last week they were very interested in the chick. I don't want to take a chance of him being killed.

I can't build another coop at the moment, although that is in the plans for next summer.

Should I let the boys into the big coop? Asking for opinions.
What do you mean by 'very interested' in the chick? Were they aggressive towards it?
No, I didn't let them close enough to see if they would be aggressive. When they started moving in on his mom, sort-of boxing her in, I removed them from the situation.
Two cockerels double teaming hens/pullets can result in injuries. I'd be more worried about the hens than the chick.
Two cockerels double teaming hens/pullets can result in injuries. I'd be more worried about the hens than the chick.
That's the only time they've behaved that way, which is what led me to think they were interested in the chick, not her.

I've seen them interact with the hens before and there haven't been any problems.

The last time I let them out his mother was still broody.
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I put them in the coop.

The ladies have been staying away from them, so they were taking refuge on my porch. :)


This morning a couple of the ladies were responding to their titbitting and the mom had her chick out with the rest of the flock.

So progress!

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