Rooster Only Wants to Mate Pullets of Same Variety

Barry Natchitoches

11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
I got 25 Ameraucana chicks last April from John Blehm in Michigan. Some were LF wheatens, some LF buff and some LF silver Ameraucanas. I kept all of the pullets, and three of the cockerels -- one of each variety. The other cockerels I gave to a lady farmer friend a few counties over.

Most of the Ameraucana chickens live in "Stalag 2" -- a chicken compound that includes a henhouse with a large chicken yard, a small converted dog house with its own smaller fenced in chicken yard, and a sally port with two independent gates at the entrance -- similar to those you see used in prisons -- that we use to make sure no chickens escape out of the compound and into the street.

Next to the Ameraucana's compound is "Stalag 1" -- a chicken compound that includes a henhouse and three independent, fenced in chicken runs. In Stalag 1, we have an assortment of eleven hens: production reds, buff orpingtons, easter egger mutts, and two Ameraucana wheatens from John Blehm that we had to move into Stalag 1 back in the summer because of overcrowding over in Stalag 2.

Stalag 2's Ameraucana flock is ruled by an alpha roo named Andy, who was one of the buff Ameraucana cockerels that came in that straight run shipment from Blehm last spring. As they were growing up, Andy just naturally seemed to emerge as the flock leader without any intervention from us at all, so we just let it be.

We did separate out the other cockerels when the birds got older, though, and the fights over the ladies began.

We put the wheaten male and the silver male in the smaller run with the makeshift dog house chicken coop. I guess you could say we turned that smaller run into a "Bachelor Pad".

Stalag 1 had been ruled by an adult easter egger, but we were forced to cull him recently. That left his flock of eleven ladies without a roo.

So this past weekend, we moved the wheaten cockerel -- whose name is Bert -- out of the Bachelor Pad over in Stalag 2. We put him in with the eleven ladies over in Stalag 1, so he could become their "man of the house."

This means that Bert has all of Stalag 1 (the larger of the two chicken compounds) to himself and his harem of eleven hens and pullets.

That means that Bert now has opportunity to mount any of eleven young ladies, pretty much any time he wishes.

But this boy isn't mounting just any of the eleven young ladies he now lives with.

He is mounting only the two wheaten pullets that came in the same shipment of chicks last April that he came in. He doesn't have anything to do with any of the other hens. He has been wearing out those two so bad the last several days that -- to protect them -- I moved them into the back chicken run and then closed the gate so that they would be fenced in AWAY from Bert.

And danged if Bert didn't figure out how to fly on top of the fence, and then use the fence as a spring board to fly into the back chicken run, so he could get to those two little wheaten pullets. Believe me, that is NOT easy for a rooster to do as high as we built the fencing and the gating that separates the different chicken runs within Stalag 1.

Why is this rooster only interested in mating "his own kind?"

He's only been with the flock of girls for four days now. Before that, he lived in the Bachelor Pad devoid of any contact with hens at all.

Do you think he'll eventually come around to mating the other nine ladies too?

What should I do? I can't let him wear these two little wheatens out.
I've only had chickens a short time do hopefully more experienced will answer. But I asked a similar question and the answers I received said he will eventually try to mate all the age appropriate hens. The mature hens may be rebuffing him or he may justbe going to those hens whom he favors for now. Once he shows everyone he's the boss he will mate them all no matter the breed.

I have a white leghorn too only mating his white leghorn puller and she's getting rather tired of it. I heard her feign a headache yesterday. It didn't stop him. Then again my other hens haven't come to point of laying yet.
My original flock had 10 chicks (feed store), one turned out to be a roo, he is a GLW. The other 9 are 3 BR, 6 BO.
Two weeks after getting the 10 I got 3 EE, and two weeks later 2 Light Brahmas.

At about 16 weeks, I noticed Owl our roo was "Doing his thing" with my BR Fiesta, a week later, Baby Girl my other BR started laying. I did not see Owl chase any other hens except Fiesta & Baby Girl for almost 3 weeks. I kept an eye on them, for fear he would over indulge, but the girls never lost any back or neck feathers. At the 3 week mark, all 3 of my BR were the object of his affections. By the 4th week, some of the mature BO's caught his eye. At the 2 month mark most of my BO's had been "Loved" by Owl, and then it was the EE turn, all 3 have had the Owl touch, and except for a few flying under feather, no one is bare backed or necked. Am now waiting on the Amour of the Light Brahmas, who are my biggest hens, even though they are a month younger than Owl.

Could Bert go back to the Bull Pen for a few weeks, to give the other hens time to mature, and then try him again, and see if he shares the love with the other hens?

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