rooster or hen?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 27, 2014
This is Pan. Pretty sure its a golden sebright. Hatch date march 20. I'm starting to wonder if its a rooster.

This chick was Contessa but pretty sure this one is a rooster. Hatch date march 8.
I was scared of that. Pan is my favorite so I will be sad to rehome him. I have a young silkie, hatch date 3-25-14. He challenges Pan. I really hope that isn't another rooster. I seem to not have luck with getting pullets.
I am new to chickens as well. But the brown chick I suspected as a rooster for awhile. It carried itself more upright. The comb is double the size of a hatch mate. ItS darker in color.

Pan I kept hoping was a pullet but the comb started getting redder and I noticed red under its beak now.

I just don't know anything about breeds so wasn't sure if some were just breed traits. So I wanted confirmation from others who know more.

Is there a good way to guess gender on straight run? Because I think at least 3 of my 6 will be roosters :( I can't have roosters but they have a farm to go to. I made sure of that before getting them.
. The comb is double the size of a hatch mate. ItS darker in color.

Pan I kept hoping was a pullet but the comb started getting redder and I noticed red under its beak now.
okay, so it WAS because of the comb getting redder that helped determine so quickly that these were male, yes? My husband looked at the pics too and said: ROOSTERS! right off the bat. I asked him why he thought so, and it was the combs as well for him. I guess i have just never noticed enough to care before...and now that I own, it will make a difference to me.

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