Rooster pulling on clothes


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
So this guy is the last in the rooster pecking order. Probably last in the whole flock because he’s second newest. He’s a big baby and just starting to come into his hormones. Lately he’s been grabbing and pulling at my clothes. He’ll take a piece of my pants or sweater in his mouth and kind of twist his head while pulling back. When he does it I peck him on the head but I’m wondering why he might be doing it.
Monster and his girl Roz
He’s the only rooster I have that does this. Even my hens don’t do this. I just wondered if it was a dominance thing or him just being curious. He does follow me around the yard everywhere. In a non malicious way. More like he just wants to be by my side. He’s the weirdest rooster I have so far.

I’ve been pecked in the eye. Ouch is right. Not the teeth yet. Although my husband has. 😂
He’s the only rooster I have that does this. Even my hens don’t do this. I just wondered if it was a dominance thing or him just being curious. He does follow me around the yard everywhere. In a non malicious way. More like he just wants to be by my side. He’s the weirdest rooster I have so far.

I’ve been pecked in the eye. Ouch is right. Not the teeth yet. Although my husband has. 😂

He's just curious. Chickens explore a lot of their world by pecking at it. They spend all of their day pecking and scratching. Its only natural they peck at something interesting to them

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