Rooster pulling on clothes

He's just curious. Chickens explore a lot of their world by pecking at it. They spend all of their day pecking and scratching. Its only natural they peck at something interesting to them
Okay. Thank you. It was just weird behavior because he’s the only one that has ever done it. My other roosters left me alone once they got their hormones. His girl will sit on my lap but doesn’t peck at me. Just sits there. This is probably a preference thing but should I keep letting him do it? Or is giving a little poke on the head okay?
Okay. Thank you. It was just weird behavior because he’s the only one that has ever done it. My other roosters left me alone once they got their hormones. His girl will sit on my lap but doesn’t peck at me. Just sits there. This is probably a preference thing but should I keep letting him do it? Or is giving a little poke on the head okay?

You can push him off or poke him or redirect his attention :)
a poke on the shoulder is a better idea, and it's fine if you are fine with it. If my girl is pecking me really hard for attention - I will give her a little tap on the shoulder.
most of the time she just lightly pecks my clothes, and I don't mind.

I think its so cute but I can see how people would find it annoying, lol

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