Rooster question for the old timers


12 Years
May 8, 2008
North Carolina
Not "old timer" as in age, "old timer' as in chicken egg-perience.

Based on experience, what breed/s of roosters are the friendliest and unfriendliest?
friendlyist i've heard of-Silkies, seramas, Jersey giants, Black langshans. and most other large breeds. most unfriendlyist-Rirs. EEs. OEGBs (although all of my OEGBs are REALLY friendly. ) gamefowl (my hens and rooster are friendly), and... all i can think of at the moment

Not an old-timer, but of the three cockerals I've had, the RIR was starting to get aggressive at 16 weeks, when I found him a new home. The silkie would be nasty is he was any bigger and didn't have feathers flopping in his face. He would love to be a nasty flogging rooster, but he just gets picked up and cuddled. So nasty, but too small and blinded to be a menace. That leaves my BO, who is always a gentleman. He comes to protect his ladies, but has never come near to being nasty to a person. Just a big sweet guy.
I have a white leghorn, hes not mean to me but he is to my dad because I believe women raised him and not any males. If you get them young you'll have a stronger bond. But if not you could find them homes.
My dark brahma roo is a perfect roo, IMHO. My light brahma took a few days of training, but now he's a perfect roo too.
I recently got a Barred Plymouth Rock, 22 weeks old to go w/ my 22 week old girls. He previously lived in a coop w/ running pen and a chicken tractor during the day. With me he is free ranging. The last owner said he was loud and pesty w/ the girls. I find him to be a real gem and after a few rounds now he is a gentleman w/ my girls. I think he's just thankful to be able to free range so he's happier. Overall he is a good breed, I think.
i have 2 leghorns,,ones a son of the biggie, and the biggie hates everyone but me, have 3 rirs, they dont wanna be touched but handle it, 1 brahma (blind) he's my baby sitter, and a barred rock, hes the sweetest of them all and another babysitter,, so meanest towards anything that moves is my white leghorn, and best is the rock.

EDIT: forgot bout my gamefowl,, he's mean if he's cornered,, scared if he can run.
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Our most aggressive rooster is named Marty. He's a RIR, and I have heard that Rhode Island Reds are not very friendly birds.
And even though we hand raised him from a day old, he still chases after us and tries to peck at us! Not a gentlemen for our young pullets.
They don't like him at all.
They are a very good choice if you want a gentle and nice bird who will make a strong bond with you and others(including the other chickens)

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