Rooster singing the egg song??


8 Years
Jun 12, 2011
Jackson County
I've seen a few videos on youtube of hens singing their egg song... and it has a distinct "buk buk buk BUKAW buk buk buk BUKAAAW" like pattern to it, if I'm hearing correctly.

Yesterday, I went down to the coop upon hearing this pattern.... and my Easter Egger rooster was singing it! He was being very attentive to my Dutch Bantam girl, though, who was squatting in a nest box...

Was he singing it for her?

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I read an article in Backyard Poultry that said the egg song is actually an 'is it safe to come out?' call, usually done when leaving the nest. If this is the case, it would be normal for both hens and roosters to use the call.

My Lavender Orpington cockeral has been doing this call lately, too. He just started crowing but does the 'egg song' more than he crows!
For the longest time I thought he was a pullet, because he didn't act much like a boy. Maybe he's gender confused!
My rooster does it, too! My girls haven't started laying yet, but they are very close. Every time I hear the egg song, I come running out, hopeful that I will find a lovely brown egg...instead I find my goofy boy, Hagrid, bawking his little heart out.
I have one VERY LOUD Black Copper Marans hen who sings before, after and during laying. She gets so excited about it our rooster joins in too.

Together they make enough noise that my parents (who live next door) have called to make sure something wasn't attacking them!
My barred rock roo (about 8 months old) just did this for the first time yesterday and it cracked me up! My chickens have all been molting and haven't laid any eggs at all for over 6 weeks, but yesterday out of nowhere my Easter Egger hen was singing the egg song and my roo would mimic her! After she did her line, he would sing his line. They went back and forth. It was so funny!

Like others have said, his song sounded just like hers, except much deeper and more raspy! Wonder if he'll do this from now on? It's kind of cute. I learn something new about my chickens every day and I've had them for over 2 years!
Yes, my rooster will sing the egg song too. If it has a higher intensity though and is accompanied by the whole flock singing it, it is an alarm call and means extreme danger is nearby. I went running up to my coop one day when I heard it and spotted a bobcat stalking them. Luckily, my dog ran it off for me.

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