Rooster suddenly coughing/choking/hurt


Apr 7, 2022
My rooster is suddenly coughing/choking making a loud noise when it happens. I have a link to video, any advice please would be great thank you.

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Those seem like either sneezes or he has something kind of stuck in his craw. I've had a hen do something similar, or who was a bit wheezy, and it ended up she had something in her throat that she had to work out. I'd maybe try to encourage him to drink, or give him some wet food to see if that was of interest and might help him moisten/swallow down whatever it is. You might also search for sneezing here, and look for any further respiratory symptoms appearing (in which case I'd separate him and put him some place comfortable/warm with food and drink and make sure he was eating/drinking - but I'm not had respiratory illnesses to deal with).
Those seem like either sneezes or he has something kind of stuck in his craw. I've had a hen do something similar, or who was a bit wheezy, and it ended up she had something in her throat that she had to work out. I'd maybe try to encourage him to drink, or give him some wet food to see if that was of interest and might help him moisten/swallow down whatever it is. You might also search for sneezing here, and look for any further respiratory symptoms appearing (in which case I'd separate him and put him some place comfortable/warm with food and drink and make sure he was eating/drinking - but I'm not had respiratory illnesses to deal with).
Thank you I am suspecting the same that he may have to digest something it is slowly getting better but when he does it , it still sounds very concerning. I will take your advice and separate him tonight in case he may be contagious.
Sounds like he may have some food or something stuck or has aspirated and is experiencing stridor.
Hopefully this will resolve on it's own over the course of several hours. I would not try to make him eat/drink during this episode. Let him move about and see if he works it out on his own.
Sounds like he may have some food or something stuck or has aspirated and is experiencing stridor.
Hopefully this will resolve on it's own over the course of several hours. I would not try to make him eat/drink during this episode. Let him move about and see if he works it out on his own.
Thank you he seems to be doing better now I hope it stops on its own.
My rooster is suddenly coughing/choking making a loud noise when it happens. I have a link to video, any advice please would be great thank you.

Thanks to all for replies , this morning he has stopped choking/making noise so I believe you were all correct he must have swallowed food that got stuck in his airway. It made me nervous but I’m glad to report he is happy and healthy today!
Glad he’s better. As an observation, in the video he was walking, appeared alert and not in distress, just bothered. I would expect that any animal (human included) experiencing a life threatening acute respiratory event to appear more panicked.
He’s gorgeous by the way😍
Glad he’s better. As an observation, in the video he was walking, appeared alert and not in distress, just bothered. I would expect that any animal (human included) experiencing a life threatening acute respiratory event to appear more panicked.
He’s gorgeous by the way😍
Thank you 🙏 I’m glad it was more of an over reaction on my part than him really suffering from something serious lol. He is about 18 weeks and his beautiful colors are still filling in. 😊

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