Rooster suddenly lethargic and swollen left cheek

Haven’t read full report but diagnosis is fowl cholera it has been raining quite a bit and we did have puddles of standing water around that time.
It's good that you are starting to get some information back.
Does the lab also give information for treatment/prevention since Fowl Cholera is highly contagious.
He didn’t say anything, I am going to email him back. Everyone seems happy. I am happy to not have mgycoplasma which is quarantine serious disease
I hate to say it, but I think I'd rather have MG than Cholera:oops:

Neither is good, but MG can be "managed" in a closed flock. Hopefully they will give you a full report so you have better information. Ask lots of questions.
They don’t give recommendations for treatment. I will email later on. I am goin to bleach their waterer i willl try and get the coop sanitized some time this week as I am working every day until sunday. A french drain near my leach feild has been getting backed up when it rains really hard and it rained really bad a day or two before he got sick. Could this have been the culprit.
They don’t give recommendations for treatment. I will email later on. I am goin to bleach their waterer i willl try and get the coop sanitized some time this week as I am working every day until sunday. A french drain near my leach feild has been getting backed up when it rains really hard and it rained really bad a day or two before he got sick. Could this have been the culprit.
It's possible. If there's still water backed up there, you may want to block access to it and have it tested.

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