Rooster to hen ratio

That will be fine. If you had two roosters, it wouldn't work. I've seen estimates on here of approx. 8-10 hens per rooster when roosters are together in a flock, the more hens the better.

You can have as little as one hen with a rooster by themselves.
It depends on the size of pen. I have some that free range all day they are standards and I just use them for eggs and the roosters for protection. The smaller breeds I try to let free range for a couple of hours everyday, sometimes it is hard because I do not let them out at the same times as I have differnet breeds. My Seramas are in a very large 40X40 pen and they do not come out to free range but we do give them lots of things to play with.
It just depends how you personaly feel and what size of birds you have.
In any case just remember it is also suppose to be fun, so just do what makes you and your birds happy!
The chicks I'm raising are 14 hens and 2 roos, but my grown "mutt" chickens are 2 hens and 2 was 3 roos but the dachshund got one. They get along fine.
I found if you put the roos in before they start to understand they are roos, the older roosters seems to leave the youngers ones alone.
I've been trying to figure out a ratio of hens to roosters and I am happy to see your post. I started with one rooster and three hens. My hens hatched five babies about 15 weeks ago and now I have three males and two females to add to the others. I am having a hard time getting rid of the three baby roosters but I do want them to have more hens. I am getting 4 more hens and according to your post that should be OK. Do you think that would be enough roosters to hens?

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