rooster torn hens neck

I am surprised how quickly she is healing ! I will take another picture of it ! Her feathers looks like its trying to cover it up ! She is happy now.. no more mean roosters.. (By the way she was a big bully) lately she is not bossing the other hens around !! I recently bought three, month old buff orps babies, she did not chase them at all !!
Im sorry I didnt write back sooner ! I did promise a picture . I am amazed how well it heals! Feathers is covering it well. I hada hard time trying to take pictures of it, she didnt like it ! LOL!
Welcome to BYC. Can you separate the rooster for awhile? If you hen is injured like the one above, she should be separated until the wound starts to heal. Younger cockerels can be a little rough at first when they are learning the ropes, and especially if they have competition from other roos. If it happened again, I would think about re-homing him or caging him until he gets older.
I had to give the rooster away. but if you want to keep him you will need to separate him. also, they can get overly aggressive when theres other roosters around. My hen is doing so well, the feathers covered up her scar well! I noticed her right eye looks a little funny, but I think she can see ok. Rooster almost torned her eye out! looks like nerve damaged? Anyway she is happy with out him!!
Can I ask what you did to care for the wound. Just had a similar incident happen to my 5 week old Welsummer. The other injury she has looks like the skin was torn from the neck underneath. Not a lot of blood but there is a large flap of feathers separated from the neck. I'll try to get a pic, already applied blue kote.

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