Rooster vs hens


5 Years
Sep 15, 2014
Adkins, Texas
We resued 2 hens from a family that is moving. We put them in the coop with 7 other girls and seem to do fine so far, only about an hour ago, except the rooster attacks one of them. I'm talking really attacks them like trys to fight her. I know it's a hen cause she lays eggs. She looks just like the rooster, same colors even has a large comb. So why does he figh with her? Other hens seem to be content with the two girls
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We resued 2 hens from a family that is moving. We put them in the coop with 7 other girls and seem to do fine so far, only about an hour ago, except the rooster attacks one of them. I'm talking really attacks them like trys to fight her. I know it's a hen cause she lays eggs. She looks just like the rooster, same colors even has a large comb. So why does he figh with her? Other hens seem to be content with the two girls

Please pot a picture of the hen if you can.
I can't get pic right now but the rooster is my profile pic. Ive added it below. She's same colors and everything. Her comb is bigger/taller not the rosebud looking one he has

Definately She was injured and had her in bathtub for several days to heel and she laid an egg. Roosters don't lay eggs right? Not being sarcastic asking seriously

Here is her pic best I can do. She doesn't have large or long tail either

We just checked on them again and she was in nest box sitting on a fresh laid egg

I think he attacked her because she is simply an intruder, I would house the new ones separately but within sight of the others for everyone to become familiar before putting them together, a couple of days to weeks, letting them mingle under supervision until everyone seems to get along, my best guess as far as why one and not the other would be the one he attacked was more dominant of the two and fought back.
Thank you very much. We have the rooster away from all the girls right now. Well move him closer in a separate house so he can see but can't get to others for now
Definately She was injured and had her in bathtub for several days to heel and she laid an egg. Roosters don't lay eggs right? Not being sarcastic asking seriously

Here is her pic best I can do. She doesn't have large or long tail either

We just checked on them again and she was in nest box sitting on a fresh laid egg


No. Roosters do not lay eggs. The bird is a hen.

X 2 on oldhenlikesdogs.
Thank you. I have all the girls together and so far so good. The rooster is in a separate coop not near them right now. I'll move him and his coop inside the big one so he can see and hear the girls for a few days and see how that goes. Thanks to everyone for the help. Everyone is so amazing here

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