Rooster went into shock when handled!


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Hi everyone,
I am very concerned for my rooster. He has not been handled all that much over the years, but we do go over to his pen and talk to him and he will let us pet him on the head and on the beak. Well, I am not a farmer by any means and I didn't realize that you had trim back the spurs. I went to check on his spurs (which need cutting) and I come to find out that he has scaley leg mites!
I read that to teat it, you simply dunk his legs in cooking oil for 2 minutes once a day for a week. I went to grab him, and as soon as I had him picked up he went limp! I guess he was in shock. I dunked his feet and when I went to put him back in his pen he looked dead! He started to flop around after a minute and was breathing very heavily. After about 30 minutes he stumbled to his feet, and he now seams fine. I never did get to do his spurs and I am terrified to pick him up again to treat the scaley leg mites. I put some sand laced with sevendust in his pen to help, but he's avoiding it. Any ideas what I can do to help him? I am terrified to pick him up as he might die, he really scared me. Thanks for all of your help.

- Samantha
Yes, you do have to be careful as stress can kill a chicken. I once was moving some of my little hens from one pen to another... Picked up one, she started thrashing and when limp and died. I felt horrible. I would advise you to slowly start working with him. Every day go out and sit by his cage and talk to him. Open up his cage and sit there talking to him and giving treats until he is comfortable again with you there. Start petting his head etc again like before. You can do this in the evening time when they are more calm. Practice lifting him up in his cage for just a second and then place him right down... Give a treat. Everyday hold him a little longer until he is not too upset by you holding him in his cage. Then slowly work on holding him outside the cage.
You can try putting some mineral oil in a spray bottle and spritzing his legs from a distance until he allows you to pick him up.
That sounds great, I have another issue though, we're moving to Boston at the end of this month. I am terified of driving with him now. I am so worried for him and I just don't know what to do. :-(
Once you get him comfortable with being picked up, practice putting him in a carrier, same thing... Only a few min at a time. Fill it with good stuff like hay and goodies.. Do it in the evening.if his pen is big enough, put the carrier in there with goodies inside and let him get use to it that way. When it comes time to move, place a towel over the carrier to keep him calm.
I have only had that happen when they were compromised their lungs were full of something (tumors?). I wonder if your rooster is having some health problems that you're not aware of yet. I've had several hens that would get out of breath very easily if I held them in a way that pushed on their lungs.
Interesting that it can happen just from fright/stress.
He very well may have something wrongin his little lungs. He is 8 years old, as I understand it they only live to be 8 - 10 years to begin with. He is doing much better today, he was eating meal worms and talking. His legs are still really bad, I got some poultry dust at the feed store, so I'm going to try that while he's munching on worms. Thank you for all of your help!

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