rooster wont walk

Today I came in he was huddled in the corner I thought he must be getting ready to leave to heaven. But then I gave him some more water and he drank it all. 3 minutes after he is starting to walk again not totally but hoping and standing with pressure on it so happy for him.
Hey, that is great news!

Was his crop empty this morning?

Don't rush this with his walking. If he has a sprain and he over does it, he can rip the tendon right off the bone and surgery is the only way those things heal. So keep him confined until HE decides it is time to walk normal. This may take a FEW WEEKS. So be patient with him.

You can give him 1/2 of a baby aspirin or a 1/4 of an adult aspirin ONCE a day for pain and inflammation. Just break up the pieces and put them in a couple of raisins.

Keep us posted! :)
Yes we are still taking it step at a time. His crop is back to Normal I think I did not want to stress him out so I just left him alone. I put him in his crate next to his girlfriends so they can talk for a little. Should I still give him b12. Also does the baby aspirin give him diarreah because has has been having a lot of that but it brown not green now.
Yes we are still taking it step at a time. His crop is back to Normal I think I did not want to stress him out so I just left him alone. I put him in his crate next to his girlfriends so they can talk for a little. Should I still give him b12. Also does the baby aspirin give him diarreah because has has been having a lot of that but it brown not green now.
Don't over do the aspirin. Just give the amount I listed above.

You might offer up vitamins if you have any. A mixture of A, B's, E and probiotics will help all around. Green poop is not good. This can mean a lot of things from not eating, infections in the body somewhere, worms, yeast infections, cancer....a host of things.

He is a bit young to be over loaded with worms, but he could have an intestinal infection. I would start with probiotics. Probiotics help to boost the entire immune system and help to restore the intestinal tract.

You might try some Duramycin in the water for any E.coli's or Enteritis's in his intestines if the Probiotics don't do much after several days or a week. Don't use probiotics with antibiotics however, but use them after an antibacterial treatment to replace the good bacteria lost during this time.
As with vitamins, you need to follow the dosages on the packaging. I have never used human vitamins on chickens, not that you can't. But poultry vitamins are specifically designed for chickens, and in the proper amounts.

You can however use human probiotics on poultry. One capsule per quart of water, plastic container only, change and make new each day. Animal probiotics are much cheaper to purchase however but human grade works in a pinch.
As with vitamins, you need to follow the dosages on the packaging. I have never used human vitamins on chickens, not that you can't. But poultry vitamins are specifically designed for chickens, and in the proper amounts.

You can however use human probiotics on poultry. One capsule per quart of water, plastic container only, change and make new each day. Animal probiotics are much cheaper to purchase however but human grade works in a pinch.
can I get that at walmart or what stores do you recommend?
You can get human probiotics at walmart. Some feed stores carry animal probiotics which will be cheaper.

Most feed stores carry poultry vitamins. You can also buy Performance Supplement Pellets by Calf-Manna at Walmart. They are with the horse feed, cracked corn etc....It is a supplement you add to the feed. It is loaded with good vitamins, minerals and other good stuff for poultry. I use it all the time in my chickens feed. I use it at about a 5% rate to the chicken feed. It comes in a 40 lb bag and will last you months on end. If you store the bag some place cool and dry, it will go for months and months before getting old.

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