
This is a tricky one! Comb and wattles look rooish but their body and stance looks like pullets, if I had to guess I'd say the first one with red on him is a rooster and solid white is a pullet. What kind are they? with white leghorns they hens have very big floppy Combs. I'm by no means a pro, just my opinion.
I think they're pullets. Age is tricky here, if they're "almost 4 months" they're probably cockerels, if they're over 4 months I'd say pullets. They both look like pullets at point of lay to me.
Neither are crowing, I guess I will have to wait to see if they crow.

Many Thanks
Amberlinks? They mature early so I'd think both female since they are sporting that much comb/wattle but no pointy hackles/saddles.

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