Roosters and the color red?

My hand raised birds are toe biters without exception. Makes me want to play punt the chicken, especially when they walk in front door to check our "little piggies" and sores.

No, this is definitely aggression. When he takes or pecks at food items, he doesn't fluff up his neck feathers, flap his wings and screech. Or jump at me sideways with his feet first, if I don't break his intense, staring behavior.

Carl is an EE. A BIG EE.

I noticed my Roos don't like stripes, dots, or plads in bright alternating colors. I usually wear neutral solids and have no problem, my wife is the one with the patterns. When she tones it down, the roos don't bother her.
My old is scared of my chickens. Every time You go out if you wear shorts or any thing that shows exposed skin they thinkg "O thats the color of my food...peck peck peck" and my son is just the right height for them to peck at. They dont do it hard but they think your skin on your legs/feet are feed so they go after em lol. My poor son has been scared now for over a month to go in the chicken coop.
My rooster used to attack a big red ball all of the time. Also chase the kids around when they were wearing bright colors.

He rarely attacks me, but this morning I went out to feed the chickens wearing brightly colored pink socks (I normally wear white socks). He attacked me out of no where. We have a pecking order and I am usually the boss. He wouldn't stop attacking me either.

I will definitely make sure I wear my white socks from now on.
Young kids with sporadic motions do get animals going but I believe color has much to do also. A few weeks ago I couldn't readily find my shoes so slipped on the gawd awful hot pink rubber clogs. My rooster was attacking my feet as soon as I stepped into the run.
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I noticed that with nail polish as well. If I paint my nails, or toe nails, the chickens like to peck at the color. They seem to do it more with red or really shiny colors like silver and gold. They also go crazy and all peck a small silver button on my rubber "coop boots" I think it's just because it really gets their attention
You let chickens run around your house? Aren't their butts non-stop when it comes to pooping? I would hate that stuff on my carpet. Yuck!
We have one chicken that comes into the house all the time, she likes to sit on someone lap and watch TV. Her poops happen to be very firm and besides she seldom poops indoors. We do have wood floors and I doubt I would let her in if we had carpet.
our rooster only attacks me if i am wearing my favorite sweats, RED, or my favorite crocs, RED. if i wear any other pants or shoes he totally ignores me. he has never attacked my husband or son, and they don't ever wear red. i used to think it was coincidence, and maybe he was just crabbier on some days than others, but after reading others' posts, it makes me think he really is reacting to the red.

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