Roosters or hens?

Hi! I have several breeds of chicks that my boyfriend got from a chicken swap. We are new to chickens and I love my pretty dottes! I have a cream legbar and I have no idea what the gold chick is, someone told me an AmberStar? And I don’t know what the solid black one is. I have no idea how old they are, we’ve had them since July 30. The breeder didn’t tell him the ages. But help me determine if they are roosters or hens, please!! I’m pretty sure my blue lace Wyandotte is a rooster though. My little legbar is pulling out the tail feathers on my Wyandotte so I can’t really determine by the tail feathers on that one.
#1, 2, & 3 are cockerels.
Here’s an update! 2 for sure are Roos. Pictures 1-2.
I agree. And #1 is probably an Easter Egger, #2 is of course your Splash Laced Red Wyandotte.

Legbar is a hen, picture 3.

Still unsure about #4- yellow.
I'm not sure about the gender. I think that one is an Easter Egger. I know Amberlink was mentioned as a possibility earlier in the thread, but by now it clearly has a pea comb and muffs on the face, which an Amberlink would not have.

#5- black ameraucana. #6- black EE ( not sure if anyone can tell without tail feathers, they’re being plucked by the legbar)
I'm still not sure on the gender of those two. I think #6 EE is probably a bantam, looking at how much smaller it is than the others. (Easter Eggers can come in both bantam and large size, and it looks like you have a bantam and a few larger ones.)

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