Roosters Pros and Cons

Dogs are my biggest problem around here. I know a trained dog could keep others away but 12gauge shells don't eat. I only scare them the first two times then the third they get a firm warning with a low shot.....fourth is the final. Haven't even seen a coon yet.
Dogs are my biggest problem around here. I know a trained dog could keep others away but 12gauge shells don't eat. I only scare them the first two times then the third they get a firm warning with a low shot.....fourth is the final. Haven't even seen a coon yet.

My parents don't trust me with a gun, nor am i a big fan of shooting animals
I'm not a fan either is why they get three fair warnings...most don't return after one. A predator is a predator and my neighbor with 9 dogs could care less about my chickens......I can't let them run my property. I will protect my birds from dogs.
I like roosters. I like that they crow at daybreak. I like to rise early. I have heard my Nana say thousands of times" Awake with chickens and asleep with the chickens. We lived like that for years before we got "civilized" and started going to bed at midnight or later and sleeping to goodness knows what time into the daylight.
I find it's usually lazy people, crabbed people, jealous people...actually to be downright obnoxiously straight up truthful,....miserable people who "hate roosters".
I know for a fact that cars, ambulances, trains, planes, police cars, fire-engines and such make ALOT more noise than a rooster or 2 or 6 or even 10.
I got used to all them other unnatural noises when I lived in the cities.
The one sound that did annoy me to no end was the sound of a dog or dogs barking.
Where I come from, when our dogs barked at night it was usually a sign that someone was walking to our place (usually for help) or it was time to get the shotgun to protect our herds and flocks from some sort of predator.

times have changed.
Laws are formulated essentially for " the squeaky wheel gets the grease" people.
Hmmmm....maybe it's time we started squeaking.....??! "squawking" louder or more often or ???

I like roosters. They're pretty too.

Hasgrits68, ...I had a Barred Plymouth Rock rooster. 1 day @ lunch I watched as he ran at a Goshawk that had attacked a hen. He attacked that hawk. The hawk let go of the hen and grabbed the rooster. The rooster fought back. The rooster won. Sorta. The hawk did fly away. The rooster had blood coming from his wing bout 1/2 way along. That rooster took awhile to heal but he never quit breeding or defending his hens.

sixcitychicks, yuup
I like them for the protection factor. We eat the ones that are bad. No need to pass on mean rooster genes. Especially when you can have one that's super sweet.
The problem is, a rooster has a favorite hen anyway, no matter how many hens are with him, so poor girl gets all the attention.
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I have 6 hens ... 1 got killed by a hawk Monday.... I'm hopefully going to be adding 2 more to flock, so that would make 8.... My chickens free range all day, except I've kept them up the last 2 days, until I get off work.... My DH does not want a Roo bc of the noise.... I love to hear roosters crow, we have several around us....its no different than dogs barking or cows mooing all day....Im wanting the Roo to protect my flock to the best of his ability .... So my DH is going to be mad. Lol.. Won't be the first time!! :). I'm glad this thread was started, I've enjoyed reading everyone's views.... I have 1 question, Does the Roo sleep in the coop with his hens at night?
I have 1 question, Does the Roo sleep in the coop with his hens at night?
I have 2 roosters and 8 hens. The roosters use to get along fine, now 1 is only allowed in the coop at night. In the morning he has to stay away from everyone else or the dominant rooster attacks him. I've tried to move him to a new coop, but he flies back out & I haven't been brave enough to try to clip his wings.
But to answer your question, yes, both of my roosters sleep in the coop at night with the hens. I did see a previous post on this thread that stated that her 7 roosters stayed outside the coop at night. So, I guess you can have it either way, however a single rooster might be at a disadvantage outside.

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