Roosters that attack

Well, actually we only had to find him a new home because of ONE mean neighbor
Lucifer was the sweetest boy ever! He never attacked and he was the best protector. He would warn us if anything flew overhead and would make sure everything was safe before he would go back to grazing. I miss my sweet boy
Thank you for the wonderful story and for defending the Roo.

I have an EE roo and love him too pieces. He does absolutely everything wonderful. He finds treats for the girls, calls them, watches over them, alarms and will defend them.

My DD was jumped on by him the other day. She picked up our "talker" who screams when you pick her up but the scream is for the attention....he came over and jumped up on her leg and bit her shoe. LOL

She picked him up and walked around with him for a bit just to let him know what is what.

He is doing his job and he will stay.

My rooster jumped at me & spurred my leg. I didn't have a stick or anything at the moment. I chased him around a bit, making loud noises and lunging at him. He's been more cautious around me so far. I'd do the pick up & hold thing, but I'd have to catch him...

Would it be of any use to get hold of him in the evening, when they return to the coop and are all sleepy?

I had them all free ranging today, he didn't try to come at me or anything.

He is an Araucana and Golden Laced Polish cross.

I'll be watching him tomorrow, and also, make sure I see how he is with my wife.

I do like the idea that he try to will fight off predators. We are in a mostly wooded area.

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