Roosts and Nest Boxes Heights


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
It works. I rearranged my coop on Tuesday. I raised my roosts and lowered my nest boxes. Went out on Wednesday morning and NO Chicken Poo in the nest boxes! I have my roosts a little higher than recommended on the site but they all made it up there Tuesday night. Thanks BYC for the info. Now onto the poop boards and making a door for my feed area.
How high are the roosts? What breed of chickens?
You will not regret the poop boards, in 40 years of raising chickens the best thing I ever did.

The bottom nest box is 16" from the top of the bedding so about 18-19 from the floor

This picture is before I lowered the nest box and raised the roosts (you can just see the roosts behind the nest box.

The roosts are 36" from the top of the bedding so 38-39 from the floor.
The top nest box is now lower than the roosts. I did find a few dropping in one box but they were occupying three of the top four nests. I will be blocking them for a few nights to break them of their habit.

This may be a little high but they seem to like it.
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The bottom nest box is 16" from the top of the bedding so about 18-19 from the floor

This picture is before I lowered the nest box and raised the roosts (you can just see the roosts behind the nest box.

The roosts are 36" from the top of the bedding so 38-39 from the floor.
The top nest box is now lower than the roosts. I did find a few dropping in one box but they were occupying three of the top four nests. I will be blocking them for a few nights to break them of their habit.

This may be a little high but they seem to like it.

I don't think the 36" is too high. That is exactly what mine are and no problems. The main problem with high roosts is bumble foot and I have not had a case of that in years.
Looking at your breed list the only problem I see is that cornish x may not be able to get that high.
My roosts are even higher than yours! But I do have a droppings board under the roosts that they will often fly to on their way up or jump down to on their way down. This is in addition to a ramp on one side that they can (but rarely do) use if they want. Can't imagine trying to keep the coop clean without the droppings board:p You will love it once you have it up.

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