roosts in run

Thanks, the tree base used to be thick with dead leaves and ants when we first opened up the run.
Hi - you can see the roosts in my runs on my live cams: I have flocks of mixed ages and breeds, so outside roosts are a necessity to keep everyone safe and happy. You can also see my inside roosts. The ones in the HenCam barn are hinged, so that they can be lifted up and latched out of the way when I clean the coop. The roosts in the big barn are simply old wooden ladders propped against the wall. I love these because I can take them outside and let them bake in the sun to disinfect. Outside roosts are 1 1/2 -inch dowels set in the corners.
when my hubby does the electrical in the coop, I think the HENCAM is a marvel idea... pointed at the temperature gauge for a quick check from the house!
Hanks soo much for all the pictures they are all wonderful, stcroixusvi how did you bolt those roosts in? They look soo cool with that tree on the run!! Keep all the pictures an ideas coming!
Wow! I kind of feel like a stalker or something. I took a look at your HenCam and there was the family (I assume) doing a photo shoot of some sort! Pretty funny! Your HenCam is super cool. I hope you all are having a great day and the pics turn out well.
What you see in the picture is actually one roost that has an extra branch that sticks out. It is black oak, very strong, and is nailed to the 2x4's on each side. The branch is short, sturdy, and sometimes a great launching spot or hop up to the higher roost.

The new one is not in the picture; it's also black oak. We used heavy screws to attach it to the tree, and also to the same supporting 2x4 as the the first one. I'll take another picture and post it - I am long overdue for some shots of the peeps. Can't believe they are 12 weeks old this week!

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