rose care

fuzzybutt love

12 Years
Jul 30, 2011
I have fallen in love with a particular mini rose from one of the big box stores. Problem is, i can't keep them alive for more than a week......

I have one on it's last legs now, does anyone know how to encorage new growth? And will it grow still if the leaves are all off?

For this one i tried completely washing off the old dirt, and repotting.

Getting kinda desperate!!!
Maybe try pruning it back within 5-6" of the root hub? Radical, I know, but I have had some roses that struggled until I did that. They sent up new shoots and did fine. It is a move of desparation though as it could also kill it.

Good luck! I hope something works for you!
Make sure the water can drain out. Sometimes the big stores put them in something with no drainage so they dont' make a mess. This will kill them. Other than enough water without flooding them and giving them as much sunlight as you can, I'm not sure what else they would need.
When I went to a rose pruning class, the instructor said the way to prune mini roses "was with a lawn mower" cut short.

I did that with one of my moms that was looking pretty bad, I also moved it because it was getting too much shade, but it is looking pretty good right now
I also just remembered that my grandmother (who was big into roses) always put her banana peels in the rose beds. I guess the potassium is really good for the plants. Perhaps you could try that?
OK, put in banana peels and did the desperation prune, as there wasn't really anything up top to save. Will they still try if all the leaves are gone? I am down to one leave. :sniff.: I am giving only rainwater, and worm poop so far, as there is a lot of conflicting advice about fertilizing when in shock. Almost a week ago i repotted, rinsing the store dirt off as it had way too much fertilizer crystals in it and was holding too much water. I have it in cool shade, as for some reason we had a freak hot week in spring, mid 80's when it should be in the 50's. That heat, right after the big move struck the worse damage. plus the store had it overwatered.... Before i put it outside, some of the buds tried to grow, then as soon as the uber tiny leaves appeared the buds turned yellow and rotted

This is the patiohit rose that inspired my desperation:
Do not fertilize when in shock. Roses want full sun all day long. Yes, most stressed plants need shade. Roses do not. It's been almost killed, bare rooted, then pruned. Be patient.
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Hmmm. left it in shade, was too scared to move it cause it had stopped getting worse, but o joy, it is now making new buds! Course our random 80's heat wave has gone back to 30's at night.... so i put it in my camper so it gets sun, minus the freeze. Here's my twigs
and just for comparison, my "biggun" coming on it's second summer, which is very happy cause he discovered all the composted manure i mixed into the last 3rd of the pot's dirt.... :)

I appreciate all the fine advice i got, just goes to show you that roses can survive a lot, even surviving me


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