rose combs ?


13 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Fitzwilliam NH
I just got myself a mess of Wyandottes and I was wondering if the rose comb varies in look from pullet to cockeral? Also can someone possibly post a pic to show the difference in a chick comb between rose combs and single combs? Thanks!
If you look really really close at the chicks, you will see the points of the single comb. A rosecomb will look flatter and you should be able to see the itsy bitys spike on the back of the comb. This is the case with rosecomb bantams. I know that wyandottes have smaller spikes than rosecomb, so I'm not sure if you can see them when they are chicks.

Thanks UC! Good news is that none of my chicks show any single comb points on their tiny hardly developed combs. I think maybe it is too early to see a point at the top of the combs since right now most of them look like they don't have any comb at all. Another couple weeks and I'd guess their features will be a lot more easily determined, they are just a week old today.

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