Rosie is really small


7 Years
Mar 13, 2012
Hi folks, I have my first ever set of chickies and love them! I got them 3/5/2012 and assume they were a few days to a week old at that time, so 'bout 5 weeks old now. Question is this: my Rhode Island Red (Rosie) is MUCH smaller than the other two in her brood. The largest is a Buff Rock followed by a Jersey Giant. Now, I expected Jaxyn (the Jersey girl) to be larger... cuz she's a giant, right? But I didn't expect Peanut (Buff) to be larger than the red. Is this normal? Here's a pic of the ladies and me.

Hello! What a great pic of y'all!

That is totally OK, different breeds grow at different rates, so don't worry at all. They look really healthy, and looks to me like you're doing a great job!

Aren't they so neat? Who woulda though a chicken could be so endearing?!

So glad you're enjoying yours,
Just make sure the little gal can get to the dinner table. Sometimes those JGs can really be hogs.

And I see one chick is considering a dental career.
Thanks! Yes, they are certainly much more interactive than I ever imagined. I guess I won't worry about Rosie, but I probably will spoil her. She's the first to hop up on my knee and eat mealies from my hand where the others would prefer to peck them from the ground.

And yes.. Peanut is SO invasive! I'm not really sure what she was looking for in there. Maybe I had something in my teeth. HA!

Thanks folks
from Southern California!
I finally took some pics of the girls by themselves and now I'm also starting to wonder if Rosie might actually be a Roger. Anyone?

Hello! I actually just asked the same question about my reds and I was told they are pullets and Rosie looks very similar to my 10 reds. Here is a picture of mine so you can compare them yourself as well :) By the way mine are 6-7 weeks old and ignore the little roo behind her :)

Poppa daddy- what friendly chickies! Mine are just now a week old, but are still terrified of me. I've had them 5 days. Any tips on helping them become more friendly and enjoy being held? They seem so afraid of me. I have 6 rhode island red girlies.

Love your pics, and Thanks!

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