Rouen Duck thread

Hi there! Just got our first 3 ducklings 2 weeks ago from TSC I'm assuming they are Rouens. Can anyone verify that by pictures?
I have 1 rouen and I blue swedish
they are my 3 yr old sons
it's amazing how much he loves these little guys

He named them Hiro and Baymax, Hiro is the rouen
is there a way to tell male/female as day olds?
My local feed store is getting a bunch more in next week and I want 1-2 more lol

They could be Rouens or mallards. They look exactly alike only difference is Rouens are larger. I got ducks at TSC and they were mallards. I am not sure they carry Rouens but not sure.
Hi there! Just got our first 3 ducklings 2 weeks ago from TSC I'm assuming they are Rouens. Can anyone verify that by pictures?
Ok i now have 3 week old ducklings... They LOVE water as you all know and at this point I am filling there water and adding dry bedding every hour! Not trying to get out of taking care of these precious stinky ducks but I don't know what to do at this point! We just finished their home/ pond/ run and I'm just curious if I can put them out there with a heat lamp.. So they can have their pond because right now they are swimming/ bathing in their water dishes! (Which isn't big enough for that!)
With Rouens about what age can you tell gender? I have 3 that are just over 8 weeks old. They all appear to be the same size with the only difference being 2 have a darker bill, pretty vocal (not as vocal as our Pekings) & more likely to feed from my hand and the other one has a more olive colored bill, quiet & hangs back. All three have a slight green hue on their heads, not sure if that's normal. Thanks :)

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