Rouen Duck thread

Hi these are 3 of my rouens


Philip is doing GREAT!!!

His beak is fractured at the tip (about an inch) but not unstable. I fed him meal worms in the tub yesterday and that gave him the boost he needed. Today he's eating from his DISH!!! I'm so happy that he's come around. I can't post pictures of the wound on his side, but imagine if you will his abdomen almost torn right off ` from behind his right leg to his left. That I was able to stop bleeding and glue back together.

His head thankfully did not get much of a contusion, so no neurological problems.

Here is a picture from yesterday.

Thanks for the positive thoughts. THis is a VERY special duck.


Philip is doing GREAT!!!

His beak is fractured at the tip (about an inch) but not unstable. I fed him meal worms in the tub yesterday and that gave him the boost he needed. Today he's eating from his DISH!!! I'm so happy that he's come around. I can't post pictures of the wound on his side, but imagine if you will his abdomen almost torn right off ` from behind his right leg to his left. That I was able to stop bleeding and glue back together.

His head thankfully did not get much of a contusion, so no neurological problems.

Here is a picture from yesterday.

Thanks for the positive thoughts. THis is a VERY special duck.

That's great that he's eating and drinking. He is indeed very special. Since his beak is fractured i'd start putting some apple cider vinegar in his water to help keep it clean from bacteria.
That's great that he's eating and drinking. He is indeed very special. Since his beak is fractured i'd start putting some apple cider vinegar in his water to help keep it clean from bacteria.
I may do that. i will give him a shot of Penicillin tonight as well.

He's in the yard now with his ducks.
He was hit by a car. There are bugs across the road that are hatching from the ground and I think that's whats drawing them. We are putting a fence next week.

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