Rouen Duck thread

Had to take my one Rouen drake inside. He has been mostly unresponsive for the past couple of days, standing in the rain looking like a drowned dog, not preening, not quacking, just standing in the corner of their area giving up. Gotta separate him out now but was wondering if anyone has maybe a female duck to spare?! Best would be a Rouen girl, but almost anything would be oki with him, as he is very gentle and sensitive.

I was holding him for almost 3 hours in my arms, wrapped in a towel to dry off and he was barely breathing in the beginning. Just clamped onto my shirt under my hair with his beak. No struggling, no quaking, no nothing. I was so afraid I'm gonna loose him!

Now he's in a big cage in the bathroom under a heat lamp, he is holding himself up again now, quaked a bit and started preening! Just want some company for my poor one year old Tony! Somewhere here in the Northwestern part of WI would be great! Thanks.

Go to tractor and supply see if they have one

Sometimes people drop the mothers with the babies
Had to take my one Rouen drake inside. He has been mostly unresponsive for the past couple of days, standing in the rain looking like a drowned dog, not preening, not quacking, just standing in the corner of their area giving up. Gotta separate him out now but was wondering if anyone has maybe a female duck to spare?! Best would be a Rouen girl, but almost anything would be oki with him, as he is very gentle and sensitive.

I was holding him for almost 3 hours in my arms, wrapped in a towel to dry off and he was barely breathing in the beginning. Just clamped onto my shirt under my hair with his beak. No struggling, no quaking, no nothing. I was so afraid I'm gonna loose him!

Now he's in a big cage in the bathroom under a heat lamp, he is holding himself up again now, quaked a bit and started preening! Just want some company for my poor one year old Tony! Somewhere here in the Northwestern part of WI would be great! Thanks.

I am in Northeastern WI. I have a Rouen Hen sitting on a nest. No spare hens atm..... we will see what hatches. I also have 4 Rouens in the garage waiting to feather out.My luck I have 4 drakes in the garage and the nest will be all drakes.... I will keep an ear out for extra hens. I know the one lady at our local TSC tends to find the lost and lonely ones.
Had to take my one Rouen drake inside. He has been mostly unresponsive for the past couple of days, standing in the rain looking like a drowned dog, not preening, not quacking, just standing in the corner of their area giving up. Gotta separate him out now but was wondering if anyone has maybe a female duck to spare?! Best would be a Rouen girl, but almost anything would be oki with him, as he is very gentle and sensitive.

I was holding him for almost 3 hours in my arms, wrapped in a towel to dry off and he was barely breathing in the beginning. Just clamped onto my shirt under my hair with his beak. No struggling, no quaking, no nothing. I was so afraid I'm gonna loose him!

Now he's in a big cage in the bathroom under a heat lamp, he is holding himself up again now, quaked a bit and started preening! Just want some company for my poor one year old Tony! Somewhere here in the Northwestern part of WI would be great! Thanks.
He sounds sick. Is he eating/drinking?
Go to tractor and supply see if they have one

Sometimes people drop the mothers with the babies
We don't have a TSC around for at least a 2.5 mi radius. The closest we got is L&M, which only has chicks and ducklings. Or Farm & Fleet which don't even have any live animals. They just special order them for you.
Put at ad on CL also. Hope something comes up soon.

Not sure if he's eating yet (he didn't seem to have touched anything) but I made him drink a few swallows. He otherwise seems fine again now. Maybe he just needs
Some rest too. At least I hope so :(
We don't have a TSC around for at least a 2.5 mi radius. The closest we got is L&M, which only has chicks and ducklings. Or Farm & Fleet which don't even have any live animals. They just special order them for you.
Put at ad on CL also. Hope something comes up soon.

Not sure if he's eating yet (he didn't seem to have touched anything) but I made him drink a few swallows. He otherwise seems fine again now. Maybe he just needs
Some rest too. At least I hope so
Is there a story behind this that I'm jumping into? Is he hurt? Why would he be dull?
Is there a story behind this that I'm jumping into? Is he hurt? Why would he be dull?

As I write earlier, he is not hurt at all. Nothing visible or discoverable. He just seems to act as if he has a major depression down.
And yes, I noticed that he ate (regular feed mixed with yoghurt and some mealworms) and drank (water with honey and electrolytes. Just don't wanna have him stay all by himself.

So I'm desperately looking for a female. Don't matter that much if she is Rouen or khaki or even Pekin. Just can't seem to find any hens right now and ducklings won't do as he is already one year old.
I wish I could have gotten this on video but it happened in seconds. A wild mallard landed next to our pond. He barely touched ground when Wade (our rouen) was on the poor unsuspecting mallard. They fought for a couple seconds and the Mallard took off. I finally got my wish of seeing our rouen next to a mallard to compare size. Wade's about 1-1/2 times the size of a mallard. I can only guess his attack on the mallard was to protect Waddles, who is laying on her eggs.
I wish I could have gotten this on video but it happened in seconds. A wild mallard landed next to our pond. He barely touched ground when Wade (our rouen) was on the poor unsuspecting mallard. They fought for a couple seconds and the Mallard took off. I finally got my wish of seeing our rouen next to a mallard to compare size. Wade's about 1-1/2 times the size of a mallard. I can only guess his attack on the mallard was to protect Waddles, who is laying on her eggs.
I've seen Philip watching the Mallards fly. I think he's jealous. Min d you how many Mallards can take on a car and survive ;)
Most of my male rouens are like bi

It really wierd they mate with a girl if they had a chance ( but they don't my girls died ) so they like pin down mallard females

But then they'll mate with each other if nothing else is around .

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