Rouen Duck thread

Gee, my Rouen female hatched her second batch of ducklings last week. We still have her 5 week olds. Did anyone want any 5 weekers? They just start getting their feathers. Please PM me if interested.
I figured since there's always a bunch of Rouen questions I'd make a thread specifically for them. Besides it seems like one of the few breeds that doesn't have its own thread. I figured this would be a great way for us to share our experiences and help each other out with any questions we might have regarding them. I'd post pics but with 19 ducks running around its hard to get just pics of them.
Ok, I'm new at this not sure where this will post but gonna give it a try. I have a Rouen female she is 7 mth old was laying everyday then she stopped. She will go to her hidden nest and make baby quack noises like she is going to lay..and no egg not sure what's going on with her. I have two other ducks the same age and they are laying also. I'm very worried about my Daffy. Any help realy appreciated. Thank you :)
If she keeping away from other ducks and acting isolated just check her out see if she's egg bound

Or she could just be scared , shy or just doesn't want to be around anyone else , I had a duck that was like that once and made that noise everytime a duck came near her .
She is very active. She plays in the pool with the other ducks which are both female. I didn't want any drakes so I have three wonderful girls. I was concerned about a few soft shelled eggs I found in the yard. So I called a local vet he said to give calcium 2000mg in her food so I did that for about a week and now she's not laying can I over dose her on calcium? I hope I didn't harm her by giving her so much. I have them on layena mixed with finish/grower from TSC. And add 1/2 tsp brewers yeast to their crumble. Can you over dose on brewers yeast?
When will my drakes head feather in green?
Sure sounds male, bigger than the noisy girls must be a drake but still all brown (green/blue in wings)... Honestly can't remember how old they are....4+ months at least. Any ideas?

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