Rouen Duck thread

Adult females go for a bit more like 10 to 15 dollars each just males are on low demand . I sadly only have males :( . (Not trying to offend you in anyway with my before replies) any who small farms and people who only who have a small flock will most likely not eat them .look for the hobbyist not the people who tend to live off of them .
Adult females go for a bit more like 10 to 15 dollars each just males are on low demand . I sadly only have males :( . (Not trying to offend you in anyway with my before replies) any who small farms and people who only who have a small flock will most likely not eat them .look for the hobbyist not the people who tend to live off of them .

No offense now! And thank you! There are so many critical people. Some just want to be experts but not be helpful. When I ask questions, I'm looking for answers not mean, judgmental, non-answers. You've seen them. Thank you for taking the time to answer and add to your answer. I hope I can answer a question or two for you or someone sometime.
I have 3 Pekins 1 male 2 female also 3 Rouen 1 male 2 female ... Lately every time I feed & water them or simply walk past my male Rouen charges at me at my feet was cute at first but starting to make me nervous as his charge is becoming more intense What should I do? The pekin male doesn't do this at all
super confused! Here are a few pics of my rouen and runner-my runner is a drake-and he is trying to breed with my rouen, I am pretty sure he succeeded today! BUT I thought that a rouen with a white ring around its neck was always a how can they be mating? My rouen has yet to get any sign of being a male, my runner has had his drake feather for well over a month- I bought them on Mothers day weekend, that Saturday, I was told they were about 3-5 days old.

Shouldn't the rouen be showing signs already of male/female? Does this make it a female since they are already mating-or is the white ring a tell tale sign of a male? Any suggestions? Thank you!

By that age you should easily be able to voice sex them. Girls have a loud quack, the boys' voice is a rasp and lower. Even if you don't see a drake feather that's a tell take sign starting around 4-6 weeks old.

And yes, a complete ring around the neck at that age should definitely be a drake. Might be dominance play and not mating.
He is extremely loud! My runner sounds like a cricket.. My rouen sounds like a trumpet horn! I will try and get audio-sounds just like my moms female rouen..thats why I am confused-white ring I was told was a definite boy, but is loud like a female.
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The rouens with my mallards
Whew! That took awhile to go through and read everything.. Sorry I haven't been on much to put in input but seems that everyone has helped each other out and helped each other get the answers they need. It's nice to see everyone's ducky pics!

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