Rouen Duck thread

hey guys whats up? its been awhile since ive been here

my rouens are doing great living there life but right now they have been separated from the mallards for a few weeks dealing with breeding and spring is just almost here.
so i did have a drake disappear he was here then gone no sign of anything :(

anyway so with my 4 boys left and yall know how they are g*y well there alot of that kind of stuff going on as it is breeding season ,hilariously funny but i always have to be sure that nobody gets hurt.
anyway things are great !
Hello buff goose guy! I haven't been on in awhile either! My Rouen drake that was I'll did pull through and is still just as cute as ever. He tries to dominate everybody but is a complete gentleman when it comes to mating. Glad you stopped by to say hello.
I have 3 females and 1 male. But he seems rather "lazy" when it comes to breeding. Maybe he will get the hang of it as spring goes on. :fl
So cool! Mine are about the same age, and we'll be finishing their new 'quarters' tomorrow...It will be so nice to see them run around. They're almost too big for their tub now.

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