Rouen Duck thread

Well i made a feeder so they always have food but im worried that they might get too fat because ive seen alot of rouen ducks that are really fat and that theyre whole body drags on the ground

You have standard rouens . Production rouens are the ones that stay thin . Your ducks need to get larger or there could be some concern . He needs to eat more than he is getting becuase believe it or not the rouens with the kneel that you see hanging from their stomach is a healthier bird than yours. So I wouldn't worry about him over eating he is honestly just trying to nourish himself becuase he isn't getting enough nutrition to fit his body .
I recently posted a picture of my rouen duck because he was missing feathers on his butt and someone said he was molting but today I flipped him over to see and this is what it looks like, the other duck does not have this problem, can someone please tell me whats wrong
I recently posted a picture of my rouen duck because he was missing feathers on his butt and someone said he was molting but today I flipped him over to see and this is what it looks like, the other duck does not have this problem, can someone please tell me whats wrong thanks
I recently posted a picture of my rouen duck because he was missing feathers on his butt and someone said he was molting but today I flipped him over to see and this is what it looks like, the other duck does not have this problem, can someone please tell me whats wrong thanks

Does there appear to be any blood or injury? I've never seen anything like that. I'll tag some people that will hopefully be able to help.

@Miss Lydia
Theres no sign of blood or injury just missing some feathers on his butt and looks dirty hes also normal he eats swims cleans him self and everything, what i think is that he pooped then some of it sticked on his feathers then dried up so he was prening him and now the feathers look like that, thats what im hoping it is

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