Rouen Duck thread

So long as there is no wound or cut it could be related to his molt. Make certain it stays as clean as possible and watch for any changes to skin color or swelling. There is the possibility that something got ahold of him and pulled feathers out. Were there any feathers laying about that might indicate if the shedded individually or came out as a clump?
So long as there is no wound or cut it could be related to his molt. Make certain it stays as clean as possible and watch for any changes to skin color or swelling. There is the possibility that something got ahold of him and pulled feathers out. Were there any feathers laying about that might indicate if the shedded individually or came out as a clump?

That's what I was thinking. Or anything in his swimming water that could have snapped at his bum?
Theres no sign of blood or injury just missing some feathers on his butt and looks dirty hes also normal he eats swims cleans him self and everything, what i think is that he pooped then some of it sticked on his feathers then dried up so he was prening him and now the feathers look like that, thats what im hoping it is
Look if you are really concerned and want him to get better and be 100% sure whats going on i suggest takeing him to a vet.
My duck just passed away today
I recently posted a picture of my rouen duck because he was missing feathers on his butt and someone said he was molting but today I flipped him over to see and this is what it looks like, the other duck does not have this problem, can someone please tell me whats wrong thanks
@Alexgoose123 Is he molting? Has he lost weight? Is he acting normally?. I'd start by cleaning that area and check for the skin for any oddities, like mites, lice wounds, etc.

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Is anyone familar with the show standard for rouens? I've got a gal interested in buying this drake but wants to know if he has any show flaws, and I don't have a clue what faults this breed has. Thanks!



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