Rouen Duck thread


This is my rouen. He is about 2 months old.
I think this is a great idea and I have a question already!! I have four 11 week old Ruens who are outdoors in a 5 x 15 x 6 chain link enclosure with a coop. Can I introduce two three month old female mallards without too much fuss (upsetting the younger ducts)?
I think this is a great idea and I have a question already!! I have four 11 week old Ruens who are outdoors in a 5 x 15 x 6 chain link enclosure with a coop. Can I introduce two three month old female mallards without too much fuss (upsetting the younger ducts)? 

I think they would be ok. Just keep an eye on them because my two month old rouen is already twice the size of full grown mallards.
Good morning!

I am new to not only BYC but also duck raising. I have raised chickens or nearly 20 years now and feel very confident in my knowledge of chickens. Not so true with ducks lol

Before getting ducks I did research into duck breeds and read a lot on how to raise ducks. This was all very useful and lead me to choosing Rouens for many reasons. Now I have 18 ducks born in April and we are loving them! The unfortunate part is that because I work full-time and have a really early work schedule with 10-hour days, I have been unable to bond with my ducks like I had hoped so they are a bit skittish (more so than I had imagined they would be)around us and do not have trust in us. They move away whenever we approach.

So far raising them has been fairly stress free and rewarding, not to mention entertaining! Introducing them to the coop and outside had us concerned for them but they adjusted to it like ducks to water and it turned out our concerns were largely unfounded, which was great. This has not been the case with introducing them to the "duck pond" we have created. We are using a kiddie pool and my husband has built a ramp into the pool for them but we CANNOT get them to go into it or even near it! They act like are afraid of it and suddenly we are experiencing extremely hot and unseasonable weather this spring. Where we are normally experience weather in the upper 70's to low 80's this time of year, this year has been upper 80's and 90's and will possibly even reach 100 today! I am concerned and hope some of you have some great tips for coaxing them into the pool. I have tried the breadcrumb idea but unfortunately my chickens run in to eat the crumbs before the ducks feel brave enough to approach..we have had the pool out for a week now hoping that duck instinct will kick in and eventually the water will lure them in. However, so far they haven't gotten closer than to within a few feet of it so far.

Thank you in advance for any tips or tricks you might be able to share !
Good morning!

I am new to not only BYC but also duck raising. I have raised chickens or nearly 20 years now and feel very confident in my knowledge of chickens. Not so true with ducks lol

Before getting ducks I did research into duck breeds and read a lot on how to raise ducks. This was all very useful and lead me to choosing Rouens for many reasons. Now I have 18 ducks born in April and we are loving them! The unfortunate part is that because I work full-time and have a really early work schedule with 10-hour days, I have been unable to bond with my ducks like I had hoped so they are a bit skittish (more so than I had imagined they would be)around us and do not have trust in us. They move away whenever we approach.

So far raising them has been fairly stress free and rewarding, not to mention entertaining! Introducing them to the coop and outside had us concerned for them but they adjusted to it like ducks to water and it turned out our concerns were largely unfounded, which was great. This has not been the case with introducing them to the "duck pond" we have created. We are using a kiddie pool and my husband has built a ramp into the pool for them but we CANNOT get them to go into it or even near it! They act like are afraid of it and suddenly we are experiencing extremely hot and unseasonable weather this spring. Where we are normally experience weather in  the upper 70's to low 80's this time of year, this year has been upper 80's and 90's and will possibly even reach 100 today! I am concerned and hope some of you have some great tips for coaxing them into the pool. I have tried the breadcrumb idea but unfortunately my chickens run in to eat the crumbs before the ducks feel brave enough to approach..we have had the pool out for a week now hoping that duck instinct will kick in and eventually the water will lure them in. However, so far they haven't gotten closer than to within a few feet of it so far.

Thank you in advance for any tips or tricks you might be able to share !

Ha! I've raised ducks many years and many breeds and many ages and genders, and I have the same problem, right now I have 4 ducks, a little younger than yours by about 2 weeks, (all female, the breeds are Magpie, Black Runner, FW Runner and Chocolate Orpington) and I have a 60 acre pond and thy are so afraid of it. I'm tough with them, I made them go in, and sometimes you just have to give tough love. Put them in an don't let them get out (make sure it's not to deep) after only 5 minutes they didn't want to come out even when I let them, they were swimming and bathing. But, they won't get unless I force ALL of them in. So I put a lot of pots and pans full of water in their pen. They like those.
Hope you have some luck!
My male rouens are a bit skittish, even though I spent time with them, I think it's the breed, my pekins are really friendly even though I didn't bid with them.
My older birds had the same problem when they were young, and now they love the pond, once thy are older their instincts kick in ;) so even if you can't get them in now, they'll grow into it.
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Good morning!

I am new to not only BYC but also duck raising. I have raised chickens or nearly 20 years now and feel very confident in my knowledge of chickens. Not so true with ducks lol

Before getting ducks I did research into duck breeds and read a lot on how to raise ducks. This was all very useful and lead me to choosing Rouens for many reasons. Now I have 18 ducks born in April and we are loving them! The unfortunate part is that because I work full-time and have a really early work schedule with 10-hour days, I have been unable to bond with my ducks like I had hoped so they are a bit skittish (more so than I had imagined they would be)around us and do not have trust in us. They move away whenever we approach.

So far raising them has been fairly stress free and rewarding, not to mention entertaining! Introducing them to the coop and outside had us concerned for them but they adjusted to it like ducks to water and it turned out our concerns were largely unfounded, which was great. This has not been the case with introducing them to the "duck pond" we have created. We are using a kiddie pool and my husband has built a ramp into the pool for them but we CANNOT get them to go into it or even near it! They act like are afraid of it and suddenly we are experiencing extremely hot and unseasonable weather this spring. Where we are normally experience weather in  the upper 70's to low 80's this time of year, this year has been upper 80's and 90's and will possibly even reach 100 today! I am concerned and hope some of you have some great tips for coaxing them into the pool. I have tried the breadcrumb idea but unfortunately my chickens run in to eat the crumbs before the ducks feel brave enough to approach..we have had the pool out for a week now hoping that duck instinct will kick in and eventually the water will lure them in. However, so far they haven't gotten closer than to within a few feet of it so far.

Thank you in advance for any tips or tricks you might be able to share !

We never had this problem. We put them in the bathtub for short swims when they were only a few weeks old lol. Now they love their kiddie pool. Even though we have raised them from day old ducklings they are still skittish though. The only thing I've found to help is mealworms. I've given them enough that they now come running when they hear the bag lol. Also try buying some live minnows and put them in the kiddy pool. Hopefully when they see them instinct will kick in lol. I also throw the mealworms in the pool so they can get them that way. Good luck. :)

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