Rouen Duck thread

I'm sure there is an answer to my question somewhere in this thread but after reading 13 pages I figured I'd just ask. At what age do they start to quack? I had ducks as a child, but that's been way tooooo long to remember at what age. I have 2 what we were told were hens from the breeder who shows her ducks, so I'd like to think after 15 years she could tell pretty well but you never know. Also I see a lot of people house them with their flocks of chickens which is what I plan to do. Right now they are only 2 weeks old so they are in a brooder in the house, my 4 chickens are 7 months old and have visited through their run fencing and only one seems interested. Any tips on a smooth introduction? I have one hen who I'm amazed hasn't been taken out by the others due to her being the biggest pain in the tail (literally) not to mention I've considered her for dinner on more than one of our many where the heck did she go and how did she get out outings. But she seems terrified of them, kinda satisfying maybe they will scare her into behaving. Thanks in advance for any tips and advice.
I am a newby at incubating. I have 4 duck eggs in the incubator, I'm on day 30 and no pipping, I hear chirping and pecking, but no pipps. Should I be worried?
We just got two Rouen ducks from the feed store last week. They look the same, one is a little smaller then the other, but that could be due to a different hatch date. Is there any way to tell if they are male or female at this age? I'm sure they are no more than two weeks old, and still haven't starting getting any feathers in. No quacking of course, just making that contended whispery peeping sound.
We just got two Rouen ducks from the feed store last week. They look the same, one is a little smaller then the other, but that could be due to a different hatch date. Is there any way to tell if they are male or female at this age? I'm sure they are no more than two weeks old, and still haven't starting getting any feathers in. No quacking of course, just making that contended whispery peeping sound.
Not at 2weeks old but we'd love to see some pics of your littles.
Hi everyone I wanted to post and share my four new Rouen ducklings.
I think I have 2 drakes and 2 hens but I could be wrong, and only time will tell at this point.



same duckling

Hi everyone I wanted to post and share my four new Rouen ducklings.
I think I have 2 drakes and 2 hens but I could be wrong, and only time will tell at this point.



same duckling

Mine are the same age. Why do you think you have 2 hens and 2 drakes? How do you tell? (Don't you just love that little contented whispery noise they make??
I was reading on other threads that males have lighter bills and females have darker. But also reading that cannot be 100% true.
Oh I love it! Cute little 2 day olds are the best. Hopefully if I end up with drakes they are nicer than my Muscovy drake.

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