Rouen Duck


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2021
I have an 8 month old female Rouen duck. She is usually very vocal but for the last few weeks she has been silent. I don’t know if it has to do with the storm we had here in Texas or not. It’s actually kind of scary that she isn’t making noise. She walks around and she eats but it just bothers me that she went from never shutting up to not quacking. How much should she weigh also, even tho she eats I am concerned maybe she is under weight.
The syrinx can become ineffective in waterfowl in cases of respiratory diseases, such as infectious bronchitis, and aspergillus, but I have noted in many cases the issue due to simply inhaling feed matter into the respiratory system. Oftentimes a duck may inhale a sharp piece of material or may receive blunt force trauma to the neck which can result in aphonia. In my experience, this tends to resolve on its own after a few weeks.

If you notice the duck eating and drinking less, perhaps isolating herself from the flock, a trip to a vet may be indicated, so diagnostic tests can be done to determine the origin of her voice loss.

The weight status of a bird can be determined via weighing or keel bone palpation. With the former, simply weigh her on a gram scale, and compare her weight to one of the breed charts below. With the latter, palpate her keel bone which is located on her underside, medial to the body.

She isn’t trying. When I picked her up yesterday she quacked once but she has just been walking around quietly for the last few weeks

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